Survey Data saving in a different file

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I know when inquisit saves data, it will save the trial/block data all in one folder (unless specified by the separatefiles function). And I know survey data is saved onto a different file (due to file formatting). I was wondering when once a study runs on the web, does it keep participant data consistent with the same rows or sorting? I'm worried about two participants starting the experiment near the same time, one participant finishes the experiment first, and but finishes second on the survey portion at the end. Does millisecond keep the data consistent with the participant and will stuff like that create interferences? 

I couldn't find a link online that properly explains this, so I seek your judgement. Thank you!
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PileOfTrash - 5/14/2020

I know when inquisit saves data, it will save the trial/block data all in one folder (unless specified by the separatefiles function). And I know survey data is saved onto a different file (due to file formatting). I was wondering when once a study runs on the web, does it keep participant data consistent with the same rows or sorting? I'm worried about two participants starting the experiment near the same time, one participant finishes the experiment first, and but finishes second on the survey portion at the end. Does millisecond keep the data consistent with the participant and will stuff like that create interferences? 

I couldn't find a link online that properly explains this, so I seek your judgement. Thank you!

I also wanted to ask! I'm trying to get the data files and the survey files saved onto a specific excel file respectively. And every time it runs, the experiment saves into a new file rather than saving inside the excel file.

Here'e script.

May 11th 80 trials.iqx (198 views, 170.00 KB)
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PileOfTrash - 5/14/2020
PileOfTrash - 5/14/2020

I know when inquisit saves data, it will save the trial/block data all in one folder (unless specified by the separatefiles function). And I know survey data is saved onto a different file (due to file formatting). I was wondering when once a study runs on the web, does it keep participant data consistent with the same rows or sorting? I'm worried about two participants starting the experiment near the same time, one participant finishes the experiment first, and but finishes second on the survey portion at the end. Does millisecond keep the data consistent with the participant and will stuff like that create interferences? 

I couldn't find a link online that properly explains this, so I seek your judgement. Thank you!

I also wanted to ask! I'm trying to get the data files and the survey files saved onto a specific excel file respectively. And every time it runs, the experiment saves into a new file rather than saving inside the excel file.

Here'e script.

On the web you'll get separate files for each participant. There can be no interference. The files can be merged when you download them. They can be downloaded in a variety of formats, including Excel.

> I'm trying to get the data files and the survey files saved onto a specific excel file respectively.

Inquisit Lab doesn't and cannot write to Excel files. The data file(s) will be in *.iqdat format, which are just tab-delimited plain text files. Excel can import those files directly ( ). If you have separate files, you can merge them first with Inquisit Lab:


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