Framing a target with a square, repeating trials when the participant is wrong

Framing a target with a square, repeating trials when the participant...
Partner Member (543 reputation)Partner Member (543 reputation)Partner Member (543 reputation)Partner Member (543 reputation)Partner Member (543 reputation)Partner Member (543 reputation)Partner Member (543 reputation)Partner Member (543 reputation)Partner Member (543 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 37, Visits: 146
Hello everyone!

I am programming an experiment where two images are shown: A number (either left or right) and a letter (either left or right)
The participants have to press a left or right key for the position of the number.
I have built every possible combination as an object/ trial in Inquisit. (Number from 1-9; letter from a-i)

An example (letter g; number 7):
<trial g_7>
/ontrialbegin = [
    values.congruency = 1;
/ posttrialpause = 750
/ correctresponse = ("k") / beginresponsetime = 1000
/ validresponse = ("d", "k")
/ stimulustimes = [0=Fixationcross; 1500=clearscreen; 2500=clearscreen; 1000=clearscreen; 1000=g_links, 7_rechts]
/ timeout = 6500
/ontrialend = [
    list.responses.insertitem(trial.g_7.correct, 1);
    list.responses_congruent.insertitem(trial.g_7.correct, 1);
    if (trial.g_7.correct) {        
        list.latencies.insertitem(trial.g_7.latency, 1);
        list.latencies_congruent.insertitem(trial.g_7.latency, 1);

My question is:
- Is it possible to edit a square around the target of the first random trial of the list?
- How can I define that everytime when the participant pushed the wrong key, the target of the next trial is again framed with a square?
- How can I show a defined trial again, when the participant pushed the wrong button?

I can give you more Information if necessary :)
Tank you very much!


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