Including an instruction header - n-back script

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Hi there,

This is my first attempt at using Inquisit to design an experiment so please bear with me. I am using an n-back script from the Millisecond library and would like to add a header to each stimulus page to remind the participant which n-back trial they are on (eg: this is a 1-back trial, this is a 2-back trial ect). Is this possible, and how would I do it?

Thank you,

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efowler - 5/28/2020
Hi there,

This is my first attempt at using Inquisit to design an experiment so please bear with me. I am using an n-back script from the Millisecond library and would like to add a header to each stimulus page to remind the participant which n-back trial they are on (eg: this is a 1-back trial, this is a 2-back trial ect). Is this possible, and how would I do it?

Thank you,

Define a <text> element like so

<text nbackreminder>
/ items = ("This is a <%values.N%>-back trial.")
/ erase = false
/ position = (50%, 10%)

and display it in your <trial> elements just like any other stimulus.

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