Moving to next trial

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I am programming a modified IAT test and I was wondering how I can make the trials to be moved on to the next one even the response is incorrect.
Currently, I am using the "responsemode = correct" in the block, and it seems like each trial wouldn't end until the respondent submits the correct response. 

Thank you in advance!
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deh - 5/29/2020

I am programming a modified IAT test and I was wondering how I can make the trials to be moved on to the next one even the response is incorrect.
Currently, I am using the "responsemode = correct" in the block, and it seems like each trial wouldn't end until the respondent submits the correct response. 

Thank you in advance!

> Currently, I am using the "responsemode = correct" in the block, and it seems like each trial wouldn't end until the respondent submits the correct response.

Yes, that's the intended behavior. If you don't want this, remove the /responsemode attributes from the <block> elements. Note, though, that this will invalidate the D-scores the script calculates. Those scores assume a built-in error penalty, which comes from the fact that people have to correct an intially wrong response to move on.

You'll have to calculate some other D-score variant from the raw data you collect ( see Greenwald et al. 2003 for details; ).


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