Making changes to WebScript

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Hi there,

If I need to make changes to a web script once it has been registered, am I able to do this? I've tried replacing scripts using the edit version, but the changes don't seem to have come across.
Do I need to unregister and start again? Thanks, emily

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efowler - 6/1/2020
Hi there,

If I need to make changes to a web script once it has been registered, am I able to do this? I've tried replacing scripts using the edit version, but the changes don't seem to have come across.
Do I need to unregister and start again? Thanks, emily

Yes, you can make changes. If you replace an existing web script with a modified version that has the same name, it will take some time until the changes propagate across the network and all caches update and begin to serve the new version. A quicker solution is to upload the edited script under a new name and then select it as the new start script in your web experiment's settings. Unregistering and starting over is not necessry.

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