Setting minimum response latency in IAT

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Hi there,

I am wondering if there is a way to set a minimum response latency in an IAT. I have been able to get output indicating responses below a certain latency. Is there a way to make it so if participants try to move forward too quickly, a message appears telling them they are going too fast and requires them to take a certain amount of time to respond?

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crstevenson - 6/4/2020
Hi there,

I am wondering if there is a way to set a minimum response latency in an IAT. I have been able to get output indicating responses below a certain latency. Is there a way to make it so if participants try to move forward too quickly, a message appears telling them they are going too fast and requires them to take a certain amount of time to respond?


Generally short response times (< 300ms) are permissible in IATs, as long as there isn't an excessive amount of such short response times.

What you could do fairly easily is /branch to reminder <trial> that alerts participants to slow down in case latency in a given trial falls below some threshold.
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Dave - 6/4/2020
crstevenson - 6/4/2020
Hi there,

I am wondering if there is a way to set a minimum response latency in an IAT. I have been able to get output indicating responses below a certain latency. Is there a way to make it so if participants try to move forward too quickly, a message appears telling them they are going too fast and requires them to take a certain amount of time to respond?


Generally short response times (< 300ms) are permissible in IATs, as long as there isn't an excessive amount of such short response times.

What you could do fairly easily is /branch to reminder <trial> that alerts participants to slow down in case latency in a given trial falls below some threshold.

Basic example attached. Take a look at the /branch attributes in the attribute and target trials, the added <trial toofast> element, and the changes to the combined blocks' /ontrialend logic.

Attachments (265 views, 9.00 KB)
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Posts: 14, Visits: 66
Thank you so much! This was very helpful! I just made the toofast message show up for 5 seconds to deter people from skipping over it. Thanks again!

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