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I'd like to make countering items like these.
group1=itemA, itemB, itemC group2=itemD, itemE, itemF I wrote my program but it didn't work. When I start it, it always runs group 1 ver. How can I fix?
My program is now;
<expt> / blocks = [1=block.testA] / groups = (1 of 2) </expt>
<expt> / blocks = [1=block.testB] / groups = (2 of 2) </expt>
<block testA> / preinstructions = (instruct) / trials = [1-2 = startA;] </block>
<block testB> / preinstructions = (instruct) / trials = [1-2 = startB;] </block>
<trial startA> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, startbutton] / validresponse = (startbutton) / inputdevice = mouse / recorddata = false / branch = [ return trial.playsoundA; ] </trial>
<text startbutton> / items = ("start") / position = (50%, 50%) / size = (20%, 10%) </text>
<trial playsoundA> / ontrialend = [ values.sound = video.mysoundA.currentitem; ] / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, mysoundA] / validresponse = (0) / trialduration = 10 / recorddata = false / branch = [ return surveypage.rating; ] </trial>
<video mysoundA> / items = sounditemsA / playthrough = true </video>
<trial startB> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, startbutton] / validresponse = (startbutton) / inputdevice = mouse / recorddata = false / branch = [ return trial.playsoundB; ] </trial>
<trial playsoundB> / ontrialend = [ values.sound = video.mysoundB.currentitem; ] / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, mysoundA] / validresponse = (0) / trialduration = 10 / recorddata = false / branch = [ return surveypage.rating; ] </trial>
<video mysoundB> / items = sounditemsB / playthrough = true </video>
<item sounditemsA> / 1 = "itemA" / 1 = "itemB" / 1 = "itemC" </item>
<item sounditemsB> / 1 = "itemD" / 1 = "itemE" / 1 = "itemF" </item>