How to edit a white point into the frist trial of a block?

Theo Ero
Theo Ero
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Hello Inquisit-Team,

I hope you can help me because I am not able to solve the following Problem:
I am programming an Experiment where People see two numbers on the screen. These numbers are either shown in a blue or red Color and the Subjects have to push the key for the red color
For example:

Red Number Left​
- Trial 1: ​1R-2B
- Trial 2: 5R-9B
- Trial 3: 7R-2B

Red Number right
​- Trial 1: 9B-3R
- Trial 2: 4B-8R
- Trial 3: 8B-1R
Now I would like to implement a White Point for the first Trial of the first block. It serves as an reminder under which condition the participants have to push the Buttons (here it is the red Color)
For example: If Trial 1 is the first Trial of the first block, the White Point occurs above '1R', so on the left side of the screen

I tried this with the following command:

​<block First_Practiceblock>
/ onblockbegin = [
if (block.First_Practiceblock.currenttrialnumber !=1) { trial.1R-2B; trial.5R-9B;
trial.7R-2B. insertstimulustime(picture.point_left);}
​if (block.First_Practiceblock.currenttrialnumber !=1) { trial.9B-3R; trial.4B-8R;
trial.8B-1R. insertstimulustime(picture.point_right);}

Or do I have to define everything with the /ontrialbegin command?

Thank you for helping!

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