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Hello everyone,
I'd like to know wether it's possible to specify a timelimit for the participants to push a button or not. At the beginning the participants see a white cross which is the signal for them to push the button "d". After 2000ms an errormessage occurs which states "You did not push the button in time". Right now they can still push the button "d" when the message occurs which I'd like to avoid. So: I know that you are able to specify the beginningresponsetime but in my Experiment they must not be able to push the button after 2000ms
This is my current trial: <trial Cross> /ontrialbegin = [ values.congruency = 1; ] / correctresponse = ("d") / validresponse = ("d", 0) / beginresponsetime = 0 (Do I have to insert something here?) / stimulustimes = [0=picture.kreuz; 2000=errormessage] / trialduration = 4000 /ontrialend = [ if (trial.Kreuz.correct) { trial.Cross.removestimulustime(6000) } list.responses.insertitem(trial.Cross.correct, 1); list.responses_congruent.insertitem(trial.Cross.correct, 1); if (trial.Cross.correct) { list.latencies.insertitem(trial.Cross.latency, 1); list.latencies_congruent.insertitem(trial.Cross.latency, 1); } ] </trial>
Thank you very much! Danny