Recognizing Chinese characters

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Hi, I am trying to collect data in China so I have changed stimuli to Chinese and participants will also respond by typing in Chinese. This was not an issue with Inquisit 6 Lab. I was able to see the stimuli item and responses as Chinese characters in the recorded data file. However, when I uploaded the script to Inquisit 6 web, it seems that Chinese characters couldn't be recognized. As a result, I got "???" for those stimuli and responses in Chinese when checking the data file. Is there a way to solve this issue? Thank you! 

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Libra - 7/15/2020
Hi, I am trying to collect data in China so I have changed stimuli to Chinese and participants will also respond by typing in Chinese. This was not an issue with Inquisit 6 Lab. I was able to see the stimuli item and responses as Chinese characters in the recorded data file. However, when I uploaded the script to Inquisit 6 web, it seems that Chinese characters couldn't be recognized. As a result, I got "???" for those stimuli and responses in Chinese when checking the data file. Is there a way to solve this issue? Thank you! 

Please provide the link to the web experiment in question.
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Libra - 7/15/2020
Here it is! Thank you, Dave. 

Thank you for the link. I'm confused, though. I've looked at all the data files in the account, and they display any Chinese characters entered just fine?

Edited 5 Years Ago by Dave
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Hi Dave, 
That's weird! I couldn't see it on my end. 

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Here's the screenshot! 
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Libra - 7/15/2020
Hi Dave, 
That's weird! I couldn't see it on my end. 

That screenshot didn't go through, I'm afraid. Can you attach the image please?

That aside, the characters are there and recorded properly. I've checked all data files available for your experiment available in the account and found exactly zero instances of any characters being rendered as "???" or the like.

Can't say without the screenshot, but this may be an issue with whatever application you are using to view the data files rather than with the data files themselves.

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Hi Dave, 
Are you able to see the screenshot attached here? I am glad to hear that the data could be saved without problems. But I also want to be able to see the data on my end so that I could analyze it in the future. I was able to see Chinese characters on data files saved when trying the script out on Inquisit Lab, but couldn't see them with Inquisit web-recorded data. 
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Libra - 7/15/2020
Hi Dave, 
Are you able to see the screenshot attached here? I am glad to hear that the data could be saved without problems. But I also want to be able to see the data on my end so that I could analyze it in the future. I was able to see Chinese characters on data files saved when trying the script out on Inquisit Lab, but couldn't see them with Inquisit web-recorded data. 

There is no difference between the Lab and Web data files. *.iqdat files are simple, tab-delimited text files, and their encoding is UTF-8. I've checked the data files in your account left and right, and they're perfectly normal.
Edited 5 Years Ago by Dave
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Thank you Dave for checking it for me! I am not doubting that you could see the Chinese characters but I need to see them so that I could analyze collected data. I asked my colleague to check the data files and they could see the Chinese characters either, only question marks. Would you be able to let us know how to solve this problem? Thank you! 

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Libra - 7/15/2020
Thank you Dave for checking it for me! I am not doubting that you could see the Chinese characters but I need to see them so that I could analyze collected data. I asked my colleague to check the data files and they could see the Chinese characters either, only question marks. Would you be able to let us know how to solve this problem? Thank you! 

Try the following and let me know the results:
(1) Download the data in Excel format. Open it. Do you see the Chinese characters?
(2) Download the data as *.iqdat. Open it in a simple text editor like TextEdit (Mac) or Notepad (Windows). Do you see the Chinese characters?

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