Adding an instructions reminder if participant has invalid keypress?

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Hi there, I'm new to Inquisit programming. I'm trying to program the word-sentence association paradigm for youth (Beard & Amir, 2008; Rozenman et al., 2014; 2017). Participants see a fixation cross (500 ms), replaced by a word (500 ms), and then a sentence (stays on the screen until they press the spacebar indicating that they have finished reading the sentence. They then are asked "Was the word related to the sentence?" and then press "1" for yes and "3" for no on the keypad.

I've gotten the bare bones of the task to work. I'd now like to add an additional set of instructions that appear on the screen with incorrect keypress. For example, if a participant accidentally presses anything other than the spacebar when they are done reading the sentence, I'd like the sentence to stay on the screen but an instruction above it to appear prompting them to press the spacebar. Similarly, when they are responding to whether word and sentence are related, if they press anything other than 1 or 3, I'd like the prompt "Was the word related to the sentence? to stay on the screen, but to receive a prompt at the top of the screen indicating "Press 1 for related, 3 for not related." However, I only want these instructions to show up for invalid keypresses, and not appear on the screen when participants follow instructions. I've tried to use conditional branching, but this results in moving on to the next trial and the instructions showing up for that trial. Any advice and reference to other posts would be greatly appreciated!
WSAP anx test 3.iqx (264 views, 7.00 KB)

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