add spatial gaussian noise

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 72, Visits: 408
Hi, Dave
I wish to ask whether it is possible to add a gaussian distributed noise to the values. errordis which is defined as the distance between the clicked position and the start position.
For example, If the values.errordis is 500 pixel. I wish to add a gaussian noise centered on 500 pixel  with a standard deviation of 10 pixel.
So the final recorded value is, say, 505, due to the added noise.
My file is attached below.
Thank you for your attention.
experiment.iqx (279 views, 1.00 KB)
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nakayama - 7/21/2020
Hi, Dave
I wish to ask whether it is possible to add a gaussian distributed noise to the values. errordis which is defined as the distance between the clicked position and the start position.
For example, If the values.errordis is 500 pixel. I wish to add a gaussian noise centered on 500 pixel  with a standard deviation of 10 pixel.
So the final recorded value is, say, 505, due to the added noise.
My file is attached below.
Thank you for your attention.

I.e. something like this:

/ columns=[values.errordis values.errordis_plus_noise]
/ separatefiles = true

/ initialx=960
/ initialy=600

<trial click>
/ ontrialend = []
/ validresponse = (screen)
/ stimulustimes = [0=screen,posx,posy,pose]
/ ontrialend = [values.errordis = sqrt(pow(,2)+pow(,2))]
/ ontrialend = [
    values.errordis_plus_noise = randgaussian(values.errordis, 10);

/ ontrialend = [;]
/ responseinterrupt = frames
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ screencapture = true

Edited 4 Years Ago by Dave

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