How to set "correctresponse" to an item in the code?

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8, Visits: 19
Hello everyone!

I am currently programming a script where each of the 50 cue items has 1 corresponding response item. Throughout the paradigm, participants must learn their association, so when presented with the cue item, they should write down the response item in a textbox. Irrespective of whether they gave the correct answer, they will be presented with the correct answer after every trial. I would like to know 2 things:

1. How to set the corresponding response item as the correct response of the respective cue item? (So that I can let inquisit count the number of correctly recalled items)

2. How to deal with spelling mistakes? (Can I program for example that the responses should have 80% the correct letters?)

Below you find a shortened version of the elements (with just 5 items) that are relevant to this question.

Thank you all very much for your answers. ;) I am really stuck on these questions :/

Kind regards,

<item real_response_word>
/1 = "HOUR"
/3 = "COTTON"
/4 = "BOURBON"
/5 = "CIGAR"

<item real_cue_word>
/1 = "ERRAND"
/2 = "CLUSTER"
/3 = "SNAG"
/4 = "RELIEF"
/5 = "VICE"

<text type_response_word>
/items = ("Type in the RESPONSE word")
/position = (50%, 70%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<text focuspoint>
/items = ("+")
/position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%)

<text cue_word_testfeedback>
/ items = real_cue_word
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ select = noreplacenorepeat

<text response_word_testfeedback>
/ items = real_response_word
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ color = blue
/ select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber

<openended testfeedback_phase>
/ stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word]
/ response = correct
/ correctresponse = (text.response_word_testfeedback)
/ position = (50,90)
/ recorddata = true
/ timeout = 5400

<trial testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1>
/stimulustimes = [200=response_word_testfeedback]
/timeout = 2200
/ posttrialpause = 300

<block testfeedback_phase>
/ trials = [1-5= sequence(openended.testfeedback_phase, trial.testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1)]

<expt testfeedback>
/ blocks = [1=block.testfeedback_phase]


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