Allowing exit and re-entry to web study and log this in the data

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I am running a web study with Prolific where I ask participants to enter their prolific ID at the start. Even though I specifically write in the study info that they should copy this before they start, they often do not. The web study runs in windowed mode so they cant exit to retrieve their ID and come back. Is there a way around this? A way to allow them to easily exit the task to copy their ID and come back? and have some logging of this so you know they havent exited for ages or to somehow cheat on the experiment? 
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KatrinaMcDonough - 8/17/2020
I am running a web study with Prolific where I ask participants to enter their prolific ID at the start. Even though I specifically write in the study info that they should copy this before they start, they often do not. The web study runs in windowed mode so they cant exit to retrieve their ID and come back. Is there a way around this? A way to allow them to easily exit the task to copy their ID and come back? and have some logging of this so you know they havent exited for ages or to somehow cheat on the experiment? 

They can exit any running script by pressing CTRL+Q (or the corresponding touch-screen gesture):

If the script in question is already in some portion where any data is logged, you'll find the CTRL+Q command issued in the data's response column. The script.completed property, which you may want to log to the summary data, should also reflect premature termination.

In general, though, instead of requiring participants to enter their Prolific ID, the better approach would be to have Prolific forward the ID to Inquisit via URL parameter.

Edited 5 Years Ago by Dave
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Dave - 8/17/2020
KatrinaMcDonough - 8/17/2020
I am running a web study with Prolific where I ask participants to enter their prolific ID at the start. Even though I specifically write in the study info that they should copy this before they start, they often do not. The web study runs in windowed mode so they cant exit to retrieve their ID and come back. Is there a way around this? A way to allow them to easily exit the task to copy their ID and come back? and have some logging of this so you know they havent exited for ages or to somehow cheat on the experiment? 

They can exit any running script by pressing CTRL+Q (or the corresponding touch-screen gesture):

If the script in question is already in some portion where any data is logged, you'll find the CTRL+Q command issued in the data's response column. The script.completed property, which you may want to log to the summary data, should also reflect premature termination.

Thanks for the response, but the participant would then need to get back into the experiment from the point they quit at, to enter the ID info when the expt asks for it. Is this possible?
Partner Member (660 reputation)Partner Member (660 reputation)Partner Member (660 reputation)Partner Member (660 reputation)Partner Member (660 reputation)Partner Member (660 reputation)Partner Member (660 reputation)Partner Member (660 reputation)Partner Member (660 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 45, Visits: 235
KatrinaMcDonough - 8/17/2020
Dave - 8/17/2020
KatrinaMcDonough - 8/17/2020
I am running a web study with Prolific where I ask participants to enter their prolific ID at the start. Even though I specifically write in the study info that they should copy this before they start, they often do not. The web study runs in windowed mode so they cant exit to retrieve their ID and come back. Is there a way around this? A way to allow them to easily exit the task to copy their ID and come back? and have some logging of this so you know they havent exited for ages or to somehow cheat on the experiment? 

They can exit any running script by pressing CTRL+Q (or the corresponding touch-screen gesture):

If the script in question is already in some portion where any data is logged, you'll find the CTRL+Q command issued in the data's response column. The script.completed property, which you may want to log to the summary data, should also reflect premature termination.

Thanks for the response, but the participant would then need to get back into the experiment from the point they quit at, to enter the ID info when the expt asks for it. Is this possible?

But the  ID in the URL is a great shout, thanks!
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Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
KatrinaMcDonough - 8/17/2020
KatrinaMcDonough - 8/17/2020
Dave - 8/17/2020
KatrinaMcDonough - 8/17/2020
I am running a web study with Prolific where I ask participants to enter their prolific ID at the start. Even though I specifically write in the study info that they should copy this before they start, they often do not. The web study runs in windowed mode so they cant exit to retrieve their ID and come back. Is there a way around this? A way to allow them to easily exit the task to copy their ID and come back? and have some logging of this so you know they havent exited for ages or to somehow cheat on the experiment? 

They can exit any running script by pressing CTRL+Q (or the corresponding touch-screen gesture):

If the script in question is already in some portion where any data is logged, you'll find the CTRL+Q command issued in the data's response column. The script.completed property, which you may want to log to the summary data, should also reflect premature termination.

Thanks for the response, but the participant would then need to get back into the experiment from the point they quit at, to enter the ID info when the expt asks for it. Is this possible?

But the  ID in the URL is a great shout, thanks!

> but the participant would then need to get back into the experiment from the point they quit at

That, unfortunately, would not be possible.

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