Joystick AAT only works on Inquisit 5 why?

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Hi Dave
The joystick is a USB Thrustmaster 2960623. I'm running Inquisit 6.4.2 on a Windows 10 PC.
I'm planning to modify the AAT from the Inquisit Task Library - it wouldn't run with the Inquisit 6 version I downloaded (joystick not found) but I then installed Inquisit 5 and downloaded that version of the task from the library and it all works fine.
So something about Inquisit 6 specifically...
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pops - 5/19/2021
Hi Dave is there an update to this issue? We are trying to run a joystick task in Inquisit 6 and it is not being recognised. Any advice appreciated

Could you tell me the make, model, and type of the joystick or joysticks in question and how it's connected to the system in question (USB, Bluetooth, etc.)?

Operating system (type and version) would also be good to know, as well as the Inquisit 6 version you're seeing this under (latest is 6.4.2, if you haven't tried that one yet, please confirm that the issue occurs under that version, too.)

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Posts: 69, Visits: 85
Hi Dave is there an update to this issue? We are trying to run a joystick task in Inquisit 6 and it is not being recognised. Any advice appreciated
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Dave - 9/11/2020
poleraze - 9/11/2020
Good morning everybody,
Im trying to modify one of the AAT scripts for our study. The problem is that the script doesnt work on inquisit 4 and doesnt work on inquisit 6 due to different reasons. in Inquisit 6 he doiesnt detect the joystick.
I realised that inqusit 4 is not available for download anymore. Why?

thank you all and have a nice weeknd

I had to take out the pictures, beacuase the data would have been to big. they are in jpg and pnq format.

Inquisit 4 is available for download via the site's download archives.
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Hello Dave,
Thank you for your answer and the link. Do you for anybody else know why my script isnt working on inquisit 4 and why the controller is not detected?
Is there a List of compatible models of controller for inquisit 6 ?

Thank you all
Have a nice Weekend

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poleraze - 9/11/2020
Good morning everybody,
Im trying to modify one of the AAT scripts for our study. The problem is that the script doesnt work on inquisit 4 and doesnt work on inquisit 6 due to different reasons. in Inquisit 6 he doiesnt detect the joystick.
I realised that inqusit 4 is not available for download anymore. Why?

thank you all and have a nice weeknd

I had to take out the pictures, beacuase the data would have been to big. they are in jpg and pnq format.

Inquisit 4 is available for download via the site's download archives.
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Respected Member (316 reputation)Respected Member (316 reputation)Respected Member (316 reputation)Respected Member (316 reputation)Respected Member (316 reputation)Respected Member (316 reputation)Respected Member (316 reputation)Respected Member (316 reputation)Respected Member (316 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 18, Visits: 48
Good morning everybody,
Im trying to modify one of the AAT scripts for our study. The problem is that the script doesnt work on inquisit 4 and doesnt work on inquisit 6 due to different reasons. in Inquisit 6 he doiesnt detect the joystick.
I realised that inqusit 4 is not available for download anymore. Why?

thank you all and have a nice weeknd

I had to take out the pictures, beacuase the data would have been to big. they are in jpg and pnq format.

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