Audio/video recording and multi-player

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Francis&m - 2/19/2021
Dave - 9/18/2020
You may be able to have your participants interact via a different app / channel (e.g. Zoom or Skype), though, while they complete some Inquisit task.

Hi, this was very valuable information to me since I wanted to do this kind of multi-player study. I was wondering if reaction times would be affected by an other app running (e.g. video call on google meet, whatever browser).

They shouldn't be majorly affected, but it's impossible to say with 100% certainty.
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Dave - 9/18/2020
You may be able to have your participants interact via a different app / channel (e.g. Zoom or Skype), though, while they complete some Inquisit task.

Hi, this was very valuable information to me since I wanted to do this kind of multi-player study. I was wondering if reaction times would be affected by an other app running (e.g. video call on google meet, whatever browser).
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Thanks for the information!
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rubyzqz - 9/18/2020

I’m trying to set up an online experiment involving collecting audio/video recordings and potentially assigning pairs of subjects to hear or see each other in a joint session. Does anyone know how to set up video recording on Inquisit 6? In addition, when we screen participants’ recording quality before the start of the study, is it possible to connect the recorded audio/video file to another server, such as MATLAB, so that we can run our own code on MATLAB to examine the sound quality and determine in real-time whether they can move onto the experiment? Also, can we do a multi-player study where paired participants can interact through audio or video on Inquisit 6?

Thanks for the help!

Video recording is not currently possible in Inquisit Web (audio recording is, though the recording time is limited).

> In addition, when we screen participants’ recording quality before the start of the study, is it possible to connect the recorded audio/video file to another server, such as MATLAB, so that we can run our own code on MATLAB to examine the sound quality and determine in real-time whether they can move onto the experiment?

No. Inquisit does not stream audio back; any recorded audio is stored locally on the client device and the recording is only transferred to the server when the experiment is finished, along with all other data collected.

> Also, can we do a multi-player study where paired participants can interact through audio or video on Inquisit 6?

You may be able to have your participants interact via a different app / channel (e.g. Zoom or Skype), though, while they complete some Inquisit task.

A multi-player study in the sense that the Inquisit task running on participant A's device reacts to something that participant B does in the Inquisit task on their device is not possible -- there is no way to connect these instances over the web.

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I’m trying to set up an online experiment involving collecting audio/video recordings and potentially assigning pairs of subjects to hear or see each other in a joint session. Does anyone know how to set up video recording on Inquisit 6? In addition, when we screen participants’ recording quality before the start of the study, is it possible to connect the recorded audio/video file to another server, such as MATLAB, so that we can run our own code on MATLAB to examine the sound quality and determine in real-time whether they can move onto the experiment? Also, can we do a multi-player study where paired participants can interact through audio or video on Inquisit 6?

Thanks for the help!


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