Inserting "@" in textbox leads to abortion of script

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Hi there,

I have a simple script where participants are supposed to type in their E-Mail address (via a textbox). However, when I am trying to type in an E-Mail address (any at all) and I am getting to the point where I am trying to type "@", the script aborts as if I had pressed "ctrl+Q". This seems to be an issue of Inquisit 6, because with a trial version of Inquisit 5 this works just fine.

I am using a German keyboard (QWERTZ), where the "@" is on the "Q" key and gets activated when pressing "Alt Gr" + "Q".

Using the /mask argument with "emailaddress" does not help.

I'd appreciate any hints on how to solve this issue!

Here is the syntax (mail_txt is just another thing I use to produce some text):

<textbox mail_text>
/ caption = "
Ihre E-Mail:"
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 2.75%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ multiline = false
/ textboxsize = (55% , 5%)
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 50
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
***** SURVEYPAGES *****
<surveypage mail>
/ questions = [1=mail_txt; 2=mail_text]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ finishlabel = "Weiter"
/ nextbuttonposition = (85%, 90%)

Thank you in advance!

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bengoe - 9/21/2020
Hi there,

I have a simple script where participants are supposed to type in their E-Mail address (via a textbox). However, when I am trying to type in an E-Mail address (any at all) and I am getting to the point where I am trying to type "@", the script aborts as if I had pressed "ctrl+Q". This seems to be an issue of Inquisit 6, because with a trial version of Inquisit 5 this works just fine.

I am using a German keyboard (QWERTZ), where the "@" is on the "Q" key and gets activated when pressing "Alt Gr" + "Q".

Using the /mask argument with "emailaddress" does not help.

I'd appreciate any hints on how to solve this issue!

Here is the syntax (mail_txt is just another thing I use to produce some text):

<textbox mail_text>
/ caption = "
Ihre E-Mail:"
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 2.75%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ multiline = false
/ textboxsize = (55% , 5%)
/ required = true
/ maxchars = 50
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
***** SURVEYPAGES *****
<surveypage mail>
/ questions = [1=mail_txt; 2=mail_text]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ finishlabel = "Weiter"
/ nextbuttonposition = (85%, 90%)

Thank you in advance!

Make sure you're using the latest Inquisit 6 release (6.2.2).
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Dave - 9/21/2020
Make sure you're using the latest Inquisit 6 release (6.2.2).

Ah, that solved the issue! Thank you for pointing that out for me!


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