randomly varying the parts of the text item

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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Dave - 10/16/2020
deh - 10/16/2020

Is there a way to randomly vary some part of the text item? I would like to randomly present a description of a person, but at the same time vary their names.
I know that I could do this by just making two sets of text. However, in this case, there is a problem with positioning the names and the descriptions, because the lengths of names and descriptions vary, and therefore, the positions need to be adjusted per item accordingly.

So I was wondering if there's a way to randomly vary the name part of each description item, and track which name was presented for each trial.

Thank you!

/ currentname = ""
/ currentage = 0

<list randomnames>
/ items = ("Anna", "Barbara")

<list randomages>
/ items = ("24", "53")
/ selectionmode = list.randomnames.currentindex

/ blocks = [1-2 = example]

<block example>
/ onblockbegin = [
    values.currentname = list.randomnames.nextvalue;
    values.currentage = list.randomages.nextvalue;
/ trials = [1-2 = exampletrial]

<trial exampletrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1=description]
/ validresponse = (57)

<text description>
/ items = descriptionitems
/ select = sequence

<item descriptionitems>
/ 1 = "This is <%values.currentname%>."
/ 2 = "<%values.currentname%> is <%values.currentage%> years old."

Also see https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost28411.aspx
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
deh - 10/16/2020

Is there a way to randomly vary some part of the text item? I would like to randomly present a description of a person, but at the same time vary their names.
I know that I could do this by just making two sets of text. However, in this case, there is a problem with positioning the names and the descriptions, because the lengths of names and descriptions vary, and therefore, the positions need to be adjusted per item accordingly.

So I was wondering if there's a way to randomly vary the name part of each description item, and track which name was presented for each trial.

Thank you!

/ currentname = ""
/ currentage = 0

<list randomnames>
/ items = ("Anna", "Barbara")

<list randomages>
/ items = ("24", "53")
/ selectionmode = list.randomnames.currentindex

/ blocks = [1-2 = example]

<block example>
/ onblockbegin = [
    values.currentname = list.randomnames.nextvalue;
    values.currentage = list.randomages.nextvalue;
/ trials = [1-2 = exampletrial]

<trial exampletrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1=description]
/ validresponse = (57)

<text description>
/ items = descriptionitems
/ select = sequence

<item descriptionitems>
/ 1 = "This is <%values.currentname%>."
/ 2 = "<%values.currentname%> is <%values.currentage%> years old."

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 11, Visits: 68

Is there a way to randomly vary some part of the text item? I would like to randomly present a description of a person, but at the same time vary their names.
I know that I could do this by just making two sets of text. However, in this case, there is a problem with positioning the names and the descriptions, because the lengths of names and descriptions vary, and therefore, the positions need to be adjusted per item accordingly.

So I was wondering if there's a way to randomly vary the name part of each description item, and track which name was presented for each trial.

Thank you!


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