batching questions for main conditions and counterbalancing conditions

batching questions for main conditions and counterbalancing conditions...
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Hi all, 

I am conducting an experiment that involves an IAT with 4 main conditions - for each of these conditions, they also have 4 counterbalancing conditions (so there are 16 conditions in total.)

At the moment, the experiment is set up through batching, where the 4 main conditions have their own .iqx script and are all linked within one Inquisit script. Both the main conditions and the counterbalancing conditions are set up using groupassignment = groupnumber. I'd like to know if anyone had any recommendations regarding batching for the following questions:

1. How do I ensure that within each main condition, every counterbalancing condition is being fulfilled? If the main conditions are batched through groupnumber, but so is the counterbalancing conditions, then would the participant be redirected based on the fact that it's the same number? For example, if the participant is assigned to main condition 4, would they be redirected to counterbalancing condition 4 every time?

2. In addition, when I am setting up the conditions through batching, how am I able to differentiate between the main condition and the counterbalancing condition that the participant is assigned to if both of these conditions use groupnumber? How would I be able to see this difference in the raw data file? There is a column named group, but I'm unsure of whether this is the main condition or counterbalancing condition.

3. Does Inquisit randomly generate participant id numbers or does it do so sequentially (not based on whoever has come last, but based on the last number of the id)? If I were to send a participant straight to Inquisit, how could I be sure that I will receive an even number of participants between each group? Basically, is there a way to ensure that all my conditions are evenly presented? 

Thank you all for your time and I look forward to hearing any tips/insights!

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jsi23 - 10/17/2020
Hi all, 

I am conducting an experiment that involves an IAT with 4 main conditions - for each of these conditions, they also have 4 counterbalancing conditions (so there are 16 conditions in total.)

At the moment, the experiment is set up through batching, where the 4 main conditions have their own .iqx script and are all linked within one Inquisit script. Both the main conditions and the counterbalancing conditions are set up using groupassignment = groupnumber. I'd like to know if anyone had any recommendations regarding batching for the following questions:

1. How do I ensure that within each main condition, every counterbalancing condition is being fulfilled? If the main conditions are batched through groupnumber, but so is the counterbalancing conditions, then would the participant be redirected based on the fact that it's the same number? For example, if the participant is assigned to main condition 4, would they be redirected to counterbalancing condition 4 every time?

2. In addition, when I am setting up the conditions through batching, how am I able to differentiate between the main condition and the counterbalancing condition that the participant is assigned to if both of these conditions use groupnumber? How would I be able to see this difference in the raw data file? There is a column named group, but I'm unsure of whether this is the main condition or counterbalancing condition.

3. Does Inquisit randomly generate participant id numbers or does it do so sequentially (not based on whoever has come last, but based on the last number of the id)? If I were to send a participant straight to Inquisit, how could I be sure that I will receive an even number of participants between each group? Basically, is there a way to ensure that all my conditions are evenly presented? 

Thank you all for your time and I look forward to hearing any tips/insights!

> 1. How do I ensure that within each main condition, every counterbalancing condition is being fulfilled? If the main conditions are batched through groupnumber, but so is the counterbalancing conditions, then would the participant be redirected based on the fact that it's the same number? For example, if the participant is assigned to main condition 4, would they be redirected to counterbalancing condition 4 every time?

// main condition 1
/ subjects (1,2,3,4 of 16)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber
/ file = "iat1.iqx"

// main condition 2
/ subjects (5,6,7,8 of 16)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber
/ file = "iat2.iqx"

// main condition 3
/ subjects (9,10,11,12 of 16)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber
/ file = "iat3.iqx"

// main condition 4
/ subjects (13,14,15,16 of 16)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber
/ file = "iat4.iqx"

> 2. In addition, when I am setting up the conditions through batching, how am I able to differentiate between the main condition and the counterbalancing condition that the participant is assigned to if both of these conditions use groupnumber? How would I be able to see this difference in the raw data file? There is a column named group, but I'm unsure of whether this is the main condition or counterbalancing condition.

It's both.


> 3. Does Inquisit randomly generate participant id numbers or does it do so sequentially (not based on whoever has come last, but based on the last number of the id)? If I were to send a participant straight to Inquisit, how could I be sure that I will receive an even number of participants between each group? Basically, is there a way to ensure that all my conditions are evenly presented?

You select how subject IDs and group IDs are generated. If you assign by group number, select either sequential group ID generation or random (without replacement). Indiciate the number of groups in the experiment as 16.

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Dave - 10/19/2020
jsi23 - 10/17/2020
Hi all, 

I am conducting an experiment that involves an IAT with 4 main conditions - for each of these conditions, they also have 4 counterbalancing conditions (so there are 16 conditions in total.)

At the moment, the experiment is set up through batching, where the 4 main conditions have their own .iqx script and are all linked within one Inquisit script. Both the main conditions and the counterbalancing conditions are set up using groupassignment = groupnumber. I'd like to know if anyone had any recommendations regarding batching for the following questions:

1. How do I ensure that within each main condition, every counterbalancing condition is being fulfilled? If the main conditions are batched through groupnumber, but so is the counterbalancing conditions, then would the participant be redirected based on the fact that it's the same number? For example, if the participant is assigned to main condition 4, would they be redirected to counterbalancing condition 4 every time?

2. In addition, when I am setting up the conditions through batching, how am I able to differentiate between the main condition and the counterbalancing condition that the participant is assigned to if both of these conditions use groupnumber? How would I be able to see this difference in the raw data file? There is a column named group, but I'm unsure of whether this is the main condition or counterbalancing condition.

3. Does Inquisit randomly generate participant id numbers or does it do so sequentially (not based on whoever has come last, but based on the last number of the id)? If I were to send a participant straight to Inquisit, how could I be sure that I will receive an even number of participants between each group? Basically, is there a way to ensure that all my conditions are evenly presented? 

Thank you all for your time and I look forward to hearing any tips/insights!

> 1. How do I ensure that within each main condition, every counterbalancing condition is being fulfilled? If the main conditions are batched through groupnumber, but so is the counterbalancing conditions, then would the participant be redirected based on the fact that it's the same number? For example, if the participant is assigned to main condition 4, would they be redirected to counterbalancing condition 4 every time?

// main condition 1
/ subjects (1,2,3,4 of 16)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber
/ file = "iat1.iqx"

// main condition 2
/ subjects (5,6,7,8 of 16)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber
/ file = "iat2.iqx"

// main condition 3
/ subjects (9,10,11,12 of 16)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber
/ file = "iat3.iqx"

// main condition 4
/ subjects (13,14,15,16 of 16)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber
/ file = "iat4.iqx"

> 2. In addition, when I am setting up the conditions through batching, how am I able to differentiate between the main condition and the counterbalancing condition that the participant is assigned to if both of these conditions use groupnumber? How would I be able to see this difference in the raw data file? There is a column named group, but I'm unsure of whether this is the main condition or counterbalancing condition.

It's both.


> 3. Does Inquisit randomly generate participant id numbers or does it do so sequentially (not based on whoever has come last, but based on the last number of the id)? If I were to send a participant straight to Inquisit, how could I be sure that I will receive an even number of participants between each group? Basically, is there a way to ensure that all my conditions are evenly presented?

You select how subject IDs and group IDs are generated. If you assign by group number, select either sequential group ID generation or random (without replacement). Indiciate the number of groups in the experiment as 16.

Hi Dave,

I was able to fix the issues with the information you provided; the project is now on its way to being running smoothly. Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it! 



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