embedding a qualtrics survey in an inquisit script

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is it possible to have inquisit display a URL that Ps click on, which then takes them to a survey for them to complete, and then allows Ps to return to the inquisit script to complete the rest of the experimental procedures?
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No, that's not really possible. What you'll usually want to do is have two Inquisit scripts -- part 1 and part 2. Redirect participants to the Qualtrics survey after part 1. Have them complete the survey and from there redirect them back to part 2.

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Hi, Dave. I just found this particular question, as I was interested in embedding a Qualtrics survey into an Inquisit experiment. It worked well until I had a text entry question and found that nothing could be typed into the box. After seeing your reply above, I have decided to abandon that idea and instead try maybe what you have suggested. How would one go about having the first script, redirecting to Qualtrics, then redirecting back to Inquisit for the second script? And would this be a seamless transition (i.e., appear as one full experiment to participants)?
Additionally, I have tried looking at the instructions posted for incorporating third party sites but am not successfully receiving random subject IDs each time on Inquisit nor is the subject ID/group ID info showing up anywhere in the Qualtrics responses. Do you have any suggestions on this? Right now, I have it set up so that the finish page redirects to an external site and participant & group IDs are determined by URL parameter.
Any help is so, so appreciated!
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heyytherelivvy - 10/22/2020
Hi, Dave. I just found this particular question, as I was interested in embedding a Qualtrics survey into an Inquisit experiment. It worked well until I had a text entry question and found that nothing could be typed into the box. After seeing your reply above, I have decided to abandon that idea and instead try maybe what you have suggested. How would one go about having the first script, redirecting to Qualtrics, then redirecting back to Inquisit for the second script? And would this be a seamless transition (i.e., appear as one full experiment to participants)?
Additionally, I have tried looking at the instructions posted for incorporating third party sites but am not successfully receiving random subject IDs each time on Inquisit nor is the subject ID/group ID info showing up anywhere in the Qualtrics responses. Do you have any suggestions on this? Right now, I have it set up so that the finish page redirects to an external site and participant & group IDs are determined by URL parameter.
Any help is so, so appreciated!

You need two Inquisit Web licenses to do this.
Your first experiment can generate a random subject ID and pass that over to the Qualtrics survey. See https://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v6/html/howto/interopsurveys.htm under "Sending the Subject ID from Inquisit to 3rd Party Sites."
Your Qualtrics survey needs to read in the subjectid. See https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic29947.aspx
Your Qualtrics survey then needs to redirect to the second Inquisit experiment. It needs to pass along the original subjectid parameter.
Your second Inquisit experiment needs to read in the subjectid parameter. See "Configuring Inquisit to Receive IDs from a 3rd Party Web Site" in https://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v6/html/howto/interopsurveys.htm

The transitions will not be seamless, they will be very noticeable.

If that's a problem, consider whether you can cut Qualtrics out entirely and instead use Inquisit's own survey capabilities.

Edited 5 Years Ago by Dave
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Thank you for this helpful information! I am working with someone who would like to have participants complete tasks using an Inquisit experiment, then redirecting to a Qualtrics survey to finish out the experiment. This seems doable, though we are still having some trouble with some of these pieces (hopefully we can figure those all out), but ultimately, it would be ideal to have this entire experiment/survey hosted by CloudResearch (formerly TurkPrime) to access the MTurk worker pool. Is it possible to do this?
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heyytherelivvy - 10/22/2020
Thank you for this helpful information! I am working with someone who would like to have participants complete tasks using an Inquisit experiment, then redirecting to a Qualtrics survey to finish out the experiment. This seems doable, though we are still having some trouble with some of these pieces (hopefully we can figure those all out), but ultimately, it would be ideal to have this entire experiment/survey hosted by CloudResearch (formerly TurkPrime) to access the MTurk worker pool. Is it possible to do this?

Yes, that's possible and it works the same way. CloudResearch/TurkPrime will pass a bunch of URL parameters to Inquisit. You'll want to have Inquisit read in the "workerID" URL parameter and use that as its subject ID. Then simply specify the URL of the Qualtrics survey as the URL to redirect to in the Inquisit Web experiment's settings. Inquisit will automatically append the URL parameters it received from CloudResearch/TurkPrime to that URL, i.e. they'll go over to the Qualtrics survey automatically. Finally, you'll have to have the Qualtrics survey read in the worker ID parameter at a minimum (as described in the Qualtrics documentation topics I already referred you to). If you want Qualtrics to do the auto-crediting enabled by CloudResearch/TurkPrime, see https://go.cloudresearch.com/knowledge/how-do-i-setup-a-dynamic-code-in-qualtrics

For any questions concerning CloudResearch and Qualtrics, please contact their respective support teams.

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