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I am running the n-back test on Inquisit 6 Lab, and downloaded the script directly from the test bank (single, nonadaptive, shapes).
When running the experiment, the instruction page (inserted as .html) is not correctly displaying the expressions- it is just blank. This is the case for both practice and test trials. Not sure if it is an issue with the values.N or list.Nlevel for each trial.
(If the n-value is 2, the instructions should state "Do a 2-back task... Press 'A' whenever the the same as the one 2 trials before."
I am new to Inquisit, and can't figure out why the expression values are blank.
Uploaded photos for reference: 1) Script for instruction pages, .html file and source code 2) Defined N.values and Nlevel list 3) What is displayed when I run experiment & debug window
Any help would be much appreciated!