Error displaying expressions .html- Help!

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I am running the n-back test on Inquisit 6 Lab, and downloaded the script directly from the test bank (single, nonadaptive, shapes).

When running the experiment, the instruction page (inserted as .html) is not correctly displaying the expressions- it is just blank.
This is the case for both practice and test trials.
Not sure if it is an issue with the values.N or list.Nlevel for each trial.

(If the n-value is 2, the instructions should state "Do a 2-back task... Press 'A' whenever the the same as the one 2 trials before."

I am new to Inquisit, and can't figure out why the expression values are blank.

Uploaded photos for reference:
1) Script for instruction pages, .html file and source code
2) Defined N.values and Nlevel list
3) What is displayed when I run experiment & debug window

Any help would be much appreciated!

Copy of Copy of Untitled.png (204 views, 1.00 MB)
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melinathaxton - 11/9/2020

I am running the n-back test on Inquisit 6 Lab, and downloaded the script directly from the test bank (single, nonadaptive, shapes).

When running the experiment, the instruction page (inserted as .html) is not correctly displaying the expressions- it is just blank.
This is the case for both practice and test trials.
Not sure if it is an issue with the values.N or list.Nlevel for each trial.

(If the n-value is 2, the instructions should state "Do a 2-back task... Press 'A' whenever the the same as the one 2 trials before."

I am new to Inquisit, and can't figure out why the expression values are blank.

Uploaded photos for reference:
1) Script for instruction pages, .html file and source code
2) Defined N.values and Nlevel list
3) What is displayed when I run experiment & debug window

Any help would be much appreciated!


I've tested the script and it's working perfectly fine for me.

Make sure you have the latest Inquisit 6 Lab release installed (version 6.2.2; ). I can see from the screenshot you attached that you are using some previous, outdated version.

Edited 5 Years Ago by Dave
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Dave - 11/9/2020
melinathaxton - 11/9/2020

I am running the n-back test on Inquisit 6 Lab, and downloaded the script directly from the test bank (single, nonadaptive, shapes).

When running the experiment, the instruction page (inserted as .html) is not correctly displaying the expressions- it is just blank.
This is the case for both practice and test trials.
Not sure if it is an issue with the values.N or list.Nlevel for each trial.

(If the n-value is 2, the instructions should state "Do a 2-back task... Press 'A' whenever the the same as the one 2 trials before."

I am new to Inquisit, and can't figure out why the expression values are blank.

Uploaded photos for reference:
1) Script for instruction pages, .html file and source code
2) Defined N.values and Nlevel list
3) What is displayed when I run experiment & debug window

Any help would be much appreciated!


I've tested the script and it's working perfectly fine for me.

Make sure you have the latest Inquisit 6 Lab release installed (version 6.2.2; ). I can see from the screenshot you attached that you are using some previous, outdated version.

Hi Dave,

Thanks! I downloaded the most recent version, and it does work when I run it alone.

I am now batch coding the n-back with 4 other tasks. & have written 15+ conditions to randomize the order of these tasks.

Now, when run in batch with the other tasks, I am having the same issue. But when I run the task on its own from the download, it runs perfectly.

I have made sure that all associated files are in the same folder, so inquisit can locate them, but it is still not displaying the expressions.

Any idea as to why this is happening? Or what I can do to solve this issue?

Thanks so much!
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melinathaxton - 11/16/2020

Hi Dave,

Thanks! I downloaded the most recent version, and it does work when I run it alone.

I am now batch coding the n-back with 4 other tasks. & have written 15+ conditions to randomize the order of these tasks.

Now, when run in batch with the other tasks, I am having the same issue. But when I run the task on its own from the download, it runs perfectly.

I have made sure that all associated files are in the same folder, so inquisit can locate them, but it is still not displaying the expressions.

Any idea as to why this is happening? Or what I can do to solve this issue?

Thanks so much!

I've tested the n-back script running in a <batch> context with other scripts as well and it's working fine. My best guess is that you're still somehow running things under an outdated version.


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