Group: Forum Members
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Hi, During the test phase, participants will be provided with two images (either on the left side of the screen or right side) and they will have to select on the image they were exposed to during the second study phase.
After they have made their response, in a subsequent trial I would like a "border" to be presented around the image they did not select. This is because they will be answering a question regarding the image they did not select. Because they are divided up into two separate trials in the block, I am guessing I will need to alter the "/ ontrialbegin =" code for the second trial, based on what was selected in the previous trial.
Here is what I have so far but the code does not work possibly due to errors with the else if statement:
********TRIAL ONE********** <trial testcue> / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1 = testcue, statements_test_left, statements_test_right] / validresponse = (statements_test_left, statements_test_right) / ontrialend = [values.statements_test_left = picture.statements_test_left.currentitem; values.statements_test_right = picture.statements_test_right.currentitem; if (trial.testcue.response == "statements_test_left") {values.statement = picture.statements_test_left.currentitem;} else if (trial.testcue.response == "statements_test_right") {values.statement = picture.statements_test_right.currentitem}] </trial>
<item testcue> /1 = "Please select the news headline that was presented in phase 2" </item>
<text testcue> / items = testcue / position = (50, 70) / select = sequence / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = black / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) </text>
<picture statements_test_left> / items = ("CoronaBeer_COVID_C.png","Clinton_Nkorea_C.png","Alabama_Senate_M.png","Test_American_Cars_M.png","SKorea_Population_C.png", "Soccer_Revenue_Gap_M.png","Cali_Fires_C.png","US_Trading_Partner_M.png","Liberian_Women_C.png","Library_AmericanFlag_M.png","Abortion_Bieber_M.png", "Biden_StudentDebt_C.png","GunControl_Warrant_M.png","Military_Pay_C.png","Immigration_Boy_Cage_C.png","Vaccines_Autism_M.png","Trump_Signed_Legislation_C.png", "Obama_Website_M.png","Tax_Allocation_C.png","Bernie_Tax_Income_M.png","Brooms_Standing_C.png","Rural_Hospitals_M.png","Chess_Players_C.png","Global_Warming_Antarctica_M.png", "Black_Homeownership_M.png","SwimmingPool_Deaths_C.png","Veteran_Suicide_M.png","Pope_GunControl_M.png","Amazon_Rainforest_C.png","Bloomberg_Campaign_Money_C.png","Cinderella_Castle_M.png", "Coffee_C.png","Marriage_License_Benefits_C.png","Cali_Statelaw_M.png","Race_Starbucks_C.png","Murder_Year_M.png","Missing_People_M.png", "Voter_Turnout_C.png","Gas_2018_M.png","Federal_State_Dollars_C.png","Mexican_Border_Crossings_C.png","Tax_Pres_Law_M.png","Pres_Vacation_C.png", "UT_Athletes_Ipad_M.png","Rep_Control_C.png") / size = (50%, 50%) / position = (30, 32) / select = sequence(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45) / erase = false </picture>
<picture statements_test_right> / items = ("CoronaBeer_COVID_M.png","Clinton_Nkorea_M.png","Alabama_Senate_C.png","Test_American_Cars_C.png","SKorea_Population_M.png","Soccer_Revenue_Gap_C.png", "Cali_Fires_M.png","US_Trading_Partner_C.png","Liberian_Women_M.png","Library_AmericanFlag_C.png","Abortion_Bieber_C.png","Biden_StudentDebt_M.png", "GunControl_Warrant_C.png","Military_Pay_M.png","Immigration_Boy_Cage_M.png","Vaccines_Autism_C.png","Trump_Signed_Legislation_M.png","Obama_Website_C.png", "Tax_Allocation_M.png","Bernie_Tax_Income_C.png","Brooms_Standing_M.png","Rural_Hospitals_C.png","Chess_Players_M.png","Global_Warming_Antarctica_C.png","Black_Homeownership_C.png", "SwimmingPool_Deaths_M.png","Veteran_Suicide_C.png","Pope_GunControl_C.png","Amazon_Rainforest_M.png","Bloomberg_Campaign_Money_M.png","Cinderella_Castle_C.png", "Coffee_M.png","Marriage_License_Benefits_M.png","Cali_Statelaw_C.png","Race_Starbucks_M.png","Murder_Year_C.png","Missing_People_C.png","Voter_Turnout_M.png", "Gas_2018_C.png","Federal_State_Dollars_M.png","Mexican_Border_Crossings_M.png","Tax_Pres_Law_C.png","Pres_Vacation_M.png","UT_Athletes_Ipad_C.png","Rep_Control_M.png",) / size = (50%, 50%) / position = (70, 32) / select = sequence(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45) / erase = false </picture>
*****TRIAL TWO************* <trial makeCRResponse> / ontrialbegin = [ if (trial.testcue.response = statements_test_left) picture.CR_Border_Right.currentitem; else if(trial.testcue.response = statements_test_right) picture.CR_Border_Left.currentitem] / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1 = CRQuestion, NoCR, YesCR, CR_Border_Left, CR_Border_Right] / validresponse = (NoCR, YesCR) / ontrialend = [if (trial.testcue.response == "statements_test_left") {values.statement = picture.statements_test_right.currentitem;} else if (trial.testcue.response == "statements_test_right") {values.statement = picture.statements_test_left.currentitem;} if (trial.makeCRResponse.response == "YesCR") {values.makeCRResponse = 1;} else if (trial.makeCRResponse.response == "NoCR") {values.makeCRResponse = 0}] </trial>
<item CRQuestion> /1 = "Is the headline you didn't choose the fake news headline from Phase 1?" </item>
<text CRQuestion> / items = CRQuestion / position = (50, 70) / select = sequence / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = black / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) </text>z
<text YesCR> / items = ("Yes") / position = (40%, 80%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (black) / txbgcolor = (white) / size = (10%, 5%) / vjustify = center </text>
<text NoCR> / items = ("No") / position = (60%, 80%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (black) / txbgcolor = (white) / size = (10%, 5%) / vjustify = center </text>
<picture CR_Border_Left> / items = ("Border.jpg") / size = (55%, 55%) / position = (30, 32) </picture>
<picture CR_Border_Right> / items = ("Border.jpg") / size = (55%, 55%) / position = (70, 32) </picture>
Thank you for your time. Your help is greatly appreciated.