Converting Inquisit 6 code to Inquisit 5

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fm323 - 11/16/2020
fm323 - 11/16/2020
Dave - 11/16/2020
fm323 - 11/16/2020
Dave - 11/16/2020
fm323 - 11/16/2020
Hi Dave!

Unfortunately I've just realised that my university only has a license for Inquisit 5, but so far all my code is made for Inquisit 6. How would I go about converting these parts to fit Inquisit 5? If I attach my code, could you have a look at it? I have two other scripts, but if you show me how to do it for this one, I can apply it to the others. 


You used the BART as your basis. That task exists as an Inquisit 5 version, so you can replicate the modifications using the Inquisit 5 version as your basis.

I tried this, but apparently there are still some problems. The expressions 'returntrial.showvideo', 'button.end.skip', 'returntrial.init' and 'button.end.skip' it says "Expression contains an unknown element or property name." What do I do about this?

That's all Inquisit 6 syntax. These things do not exist in the Inquisit 5 version of the BART.

Can I replace these things with alternatives which do exist in Inquisit 5? How do I find what the alternatives would be?

Okay, I'll give it a go.

> Can I replace these things with alternatives which do exist in Inquisit 5? How do I find what the alternatives would be?

Use the Inquisit 5 version of the BART available in the library. The Inquisit 5 version does not use <button> elements, nor does it rely on "return" in any of the /branch attributes or other expressions.
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fm323 - 11/16/2020
Dave - 11/16/2020
fm323 - 11/16/2020
Dave - 11/16/2020
fm323 - 11/16/2020
Hi Dave!

Unfortunately I've just realised that my university only has a license for Inquisit 5, but so far all my code is made for Inquisit 6. How would I go about converting these parts to fit Inquisit 5? If I attach my code, could you have a look at it? I have two other scripts, but if you show me how to do it for this one, I can apply it to the others. 


You used the BART as your basis. That task exists as an Inquisit 5 version, so you can replicate the modifications using the Inquisit 5 version as your basis.

I tried this, but apparently there are still some problems. The expressions 'returntrial.showvideo', 'button.end.skip', 'returntrial.init' and 'button.end.skip' it says "Expression contains an unknown element or property name." What do I do about this?

That's all Inquisit 6 syntax. These things do not exist in the Inquisit 5 version of the BART.

Can I replace these things with alternatives which do exist in Inquisit 5? How do I find what the alternatives would be?

Okay, I'll give it a go.
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Dave - 11/16/2020
fm323 - 11/16/2020
Dave - 11/16/2020
fm323 - 11/16/2020
Hi Dave!

Unfortunately I've just realised that my university only has a license for Inquisit 5, but so far all my code is made for Inquisit 6. How would I go about converting these parts to fit Inquisit 5? If I attach my code, could you have a look at it? I have two other scripts, but if you show me how to do it for this one, I can apply it to the others. 


You used the BART as your basis. That task exists as an Inquisit 5 version, so you can replicate the modifications using the Inquisit 5 version as your basis.

I tried this, but apparently there are still some problems. The expressions 'returntrial.showvideo', 'button.end.skip', 'returntrial.init' and 'button.end.skip' it says "Expression contains an unknown element or property name." What do I do about this?

That's all Inquisit 6 syntax. These things do not exist in the Inquisit 5 version of the BART.

Can I replace these things with alternatives which do exist in Inquisit 5? How do I find what the alternatives would be?
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fm323 - 11/16/2020
Dave - 11/16/2020
fm323 - 11/16/2020
Hi Dave!

Unfortunately I've just realised that my university only has a license for Inquisit 5, but so far all my code is made for Inquisit 6. How would I go about converting these parts to fit Inquisit 5? If I attach my code, could you have a look at it? I have two other scripts, but if you show me how to do it for this one, I can apply it to the others. 


You used the BART as your basis. That task exists as an Inquisit 5 version, so you can replicate the modifications using the Inquisit 5 version as your basis.

I tried this, but apparently there are still some problems. The expressions 'returntrial.showvideo', 'button.end.skip', 'returntrial.init' and 'button.end.skip' it says "Expression contains an unknown element or property name." What do I do about this?

That's all Inquisit 6 syntax. These things do not exist in the Inquisit 5 version of the BART.

Inquisit 5 has no <button> elements, and /branch syntax in Inquisit 5 has no return statement (it's unnecessary). Again, use the Inquisit 5 version of the script as the basis -- re-implement your modiications in the Inquisit 5 version. That's considerably easier and less prone to run into issues than trying to somehow get the Inquisit 6 version of the BART to run under Inqusiit 5.
Edited 5 Years Ago by Dave
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Dave - 11/16/2020
fm323 - 11/16/2020
Hi Dave!

Unfortunately I've just realised that my university only has a license for Inquisit 5, but so far all my code is made for Inquisit 6. How would I go about converting these parts to fit Inquisit 5? If I attach my code, could you have a look at it? I have two other scripts, but if you show me how to do it for this one, I can apply it to the others. 


You used the BART as your basis. That task exists as an Inquisit 5 version, so you can replicate the modifications using the Inquisit 5 version as your basis.

I tried this, but apparently there are still some problems. The expressions 'returntrial.showvideo', 'button.end.skip', 'returntrial.init' and 'button.end.skip' it says "Expression contains an unknown element or property name." What do I do about this?
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
fm323 - 11/16/2020
Hi Dave!

Unfortunately I've just realised that my university only has a license for Inquisit 5, but so far all my code is made for Inquisit 6. How would I go about converting these parts to fit Inquisit 5? If I attach my code, could you have a look at it? I have two other scripts, but if you show me how to do it for this one, I can apply it to the others. 


You used the BART as your basis. That task exists as an Inquisit 5 version, so you can replicate the modifications using the Inquisit 5 version as your basis.
Respected Member (318 reputation)Respected Member (318 reputation)Respected Member (318 reputation)Respected Member (318 reputation)Respected Member (318 reputation)Respected Member (318 reputation)Respected Member (318 reputation)Respected Member (318 reputation)Respected Member (318 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 21, Visits: 62
Hi Dave!

Unfortunately I've just realised that my university only has a license for Inquisit 5, but so far all my code is made for Inquisit 6. How would I go about converting these parts to fit Inquisit 5? If I attach my code, could you have a look at it? I have two other scripts, but if you show me how to do it for this one, I can apply it to the others. 

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