Response Button Size on Mobile

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We are running the PRT (Probabilistic Reward Task) in Inquisit 6, and anticipate that many of our participants will be using mobile devices to complete this task. However, in our piloting of the task, we noticed that there were issues with the size of the response buttons on the screen. Participants would try and press the button but it wouldn't register because the button was too small. Is there a way to increase the size of these response buttons for mobile-only, not changing anything for the Mac/PC version?


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SMCM - 11/23/2020
We are running the PRT (Probabilistic Reward Task) in Inquisit 6, and anticipate that many of our participants will be using mobile devices to complete this task. However, in our piloting of the task, we noticed that there were issues with the size of the response buttons on the screen. Participants would try and press the button but it wouldn't register because the button was too small. Is there a way to increase the size of these response buttons for mobile-only, not changing anything for the Mac/PC version?



The size of the buttons for touch-only input devices isn't separately configurable. I've ran through the PRT on a rather small-ish Samsung mobile phone (Galaxy A20e), and found the buttons to be quite large given the limited screen estate.

On which particular devices are you seeing inadequately sized on-screen buttons?

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Hi Dave,

Thank you for the quick reply! We were having difficulty with the iPhone X. I believe the issue was with what we would call "misclicks", where a participant's finger would come off the button in between stimuli, and then when prompted to press a button they wouldn't have time to get things back together. 

I do wonder if that would just be factored in within a margin of error in the task. Because this function is not independently configurable, we might just end up putting a disclaimer before the task or explaining to participants the importance of keeping their fingers over the buttons in between stimulus presentations.

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SMCM - 11/23/2020
Hi Dave,

Thank you for the quick reply! We were having difficulty with the iPhone X. I believe the issue was with what we would call "misclicks", where a participant's finger would come off the button in between stimuli, and then when prompted to press a button they wouldn't have time to get things back together. 

I do wonder if that would just be factored in within a margin of error in the task. Because this function is not independently configurable, we might just end up putting a disclaimer before the task or explaining to participants the importance of keeping their fingers over the buttons in between stimulus presentations.

Hmm, I don't think I have any good solution to that offhand (and I'm not sure there is one given the constraints of mobile, particularly the physically small screens). I don't have an iPhone X to test with me right now, but the Samsung has about identical physical dimensions (5.8 inch screen, though lower resolution than the X); personally I didn't experience a similar misclick phenomenon, but that may just be force of habit. A disclaimer / more explicit instructions, however, definitely seem like a good idea. Perhaps adding more practice trials could help as well, so that participants have a little more time to get used to the controls?

Edited 5 Years Ago by Dave
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I will go back to my team and we will try those things! Thank you for your help!

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