Trial ranch Inquisit 6

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Dave - 12/2/2020
If there's some additional question here, I'm not seeing it, I'm afraid. Note that a revised (fixed) version of your script is attached to my previous reply.

It works perfectly !
Thanks a lot for your rapidity.
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If there's some additional question here, I'm not seeing it, I'm afraid. Note that a revised (fixed) version of your script is attached to my previous reply.
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Dave - 12/2/2020
Kosinski_Lille - 12/2/2020
I have a problem with a script that was running on Inquisit 5.
In my block, I define the value of an expression (condition):
<block conditioning_repeat>
/ preinstructions = (instru_conditioning_repeat)
/ onblockbegin = [ expressions.condition = "repeat" ]
/ trials = [    1-2     =     noreplacenorepeat(    training_1_positive, training_2_negative);
                3-22     =     noreplacenorepeat(    A_positive, B_positive,
                                                D_negative, E_negative, );        ]
/ screencolor = grey

In my trial, I define a branch depending of this expression's value :
<trial A_positive>
/ stimulustimes=[    0    =    amorce; 500 =A ; 2000 = eraser,    Pos1 ]
/ timeout = parameters.trial_duration
/ branch = [ if (expressions.condition == "repeat") trial.repeat ]
/ branch = [ if (expressions.condition == "think") trial.think ]
/ branch = [ if (expressions.condition == "control") trial.control ]
/ branch = [ if (expressions.condition == "control_time") trial.control_time ]

However, the branch do not work anymore.
Any idea ? (script attached)

Setting expressions like that is no longer allowed under Inquisit 6 (it's unsafe and always has been). The correct way to do this is to use values.

/ condition = ""

<block conditioning_repeat>
/ preinstructions = (instru_conditioning_repeat)
/ onblockbegin = [ values.condition = "repeat" ]
/ trials = [  1-2  =  noreplacenorepeat(  training_1_positive, training_2_negative);
      3-22  =  noreplacenorepeat(  A_positive, B_positive,
                D_negative, E_negative, );   ]
/ screencolor = grey

In my trial, I define a branch depending of this expression's value :
<trial A_positive>
/ stimulustimes=[  0  =  amorce; 500 =A ; 2000 = eraser,  Pos1 ]
/ timeout = parameters.trial_duration
/ branch = [ if (values.condition == "repeat") trial.repeat ]
/ branch = [ if (values.condition == "think") trial.think ]
/ branch = [ if (values.condition == "control") trial.control ]
/ branch = [ if (values.condition == "control_time") trial.control_time ]

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Kosinski_Lille - 12/2/2020
I have a problem with a script that was running on Inquisit 5.
In my block, I define the value of an expression (condition):
<block conditioning_repeat>
/ preinstructions = (instru_conditioning_repeat)
/ onblockbegin = [ expressions.condition = "repeat" ]
/ trials = [    1-2     =     noreplacenorepeat(    training_1_positive, training_2_negative);
                3-22     =     noreplacenorepeat(    A_positive, B_positive,
                                                D_negative, E_negative, );        ]
/ screencolor = grey

In my trial, I define a branch depending of this expression's value :
<trial A_positive>
/ stimulustimes=[    0    =    amorce; 500 =A ; 2000 = eraser,    Pos1 ]
/ timeout = parameters.trial_duration
/ branch = [ if (expressions.condition == "repeat") trial.repeat ]
/ branch = [ if (expressions.condition == "think") trial.think ]
/ branch = [ if (expressions.condition == "control") trial.control ]
/ branch = [ if (expressions.condition == "control_time") trial.control_time ]

However, the branch do not work anymore.
Any idea ? (script attached)

Setting expressions like that is no longer allowed under Inquisit 6 (it's unsafe and always has been). The correct way to do this is to use values.

/ condition = ""

<block conditioning_repeat>
/ preinstructions = (instru_conditioning_repeat)
/ onblockbegin = [ values.condition = "repeat" ]
/ trials = [  1-2  =  noreplacenorepeat(  training_1_positive, training_2_negative);
      3-22  =  noreplacenorepeat(  A_positive, B_positive,
                D_negative, E_negative, );   ]
/ screencolor = grey

In my trial, I define a branch depending of this expression's value :
<trial A_positive>
/ stimulustimes=[  0  =  amorce; 500 =A ; 2000 = eraser,  Pos1 ]
/ timeout = parameters.trial_duration
/ branch = [ if (values.condition == "repeat") trial.repeat ]
/ branch = [ if (values.condition == "think") trial.think ]
/ branch = [ if (values.condition == "control") trial.control ]
/ branch = [ if (values.condition == "control_time") trial.control_time ]
experiment emotion.iqx (192 views, 75.00 KB)
Edited 5 Years Ago by Dave
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Posts: 9, Visits: 49
I have a problem with a script that was running on Inquisit 5.
In my block, I define the value of an expression (condition):
<block conditioning_repeat>
/ preinstructions = (instru_conditioning_repeat)
/ onblockbegin = [ expressions.condition = "repeat" ]
/ trials = [    1-2     =     noreplacenorepeat(    training_1_positive, training_2_negative);
                3-22     =     noreplacenorepeat(    A_positive, B_positive,
                                                D_negative, E_negative, );        ]
/ screencolor = grey

In my trial, I define a branch depending of this expression's value :
<trial A_positive>
/ stimulustimes=[    0    =    amorce; 500 =A ; 2000 = eraser,    Pos1 ]
/ timeout = parameters.trial_duration
/ branch = [ if (expressions.condition == "repeat") trial.repeat ]
/ branch = [ if (expressions.condition == "think") trial.think ]
/ branch = [ if (expressions.condition == "control") trial.control ]
/ branch = [ if (expressions.condition == "control_time") trial.control_time ]

However, the branch do not work anymore.
Any idea ? (script attached)
experiment emotion.iqx (239 views, 75.00 KB)

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