Changing the input device on trial begin/ recoding correct key to work for mouse input

Changing the input device on trial begin/ recoding correct key to work...
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 12, Visits: 74
I have coded my experiment with correct/valid responses being keyboard inputs but would now like to change it to mouse input (left and right mouse click) instead. 

So what I had was (among other code of course):

/ reference_odor_item = 0
/ comparison_odor_item = 0
/ odor_1_item = 0
/ odor_2_item = 0
/ is_reference = ""
/ correctkey = 0

<trial discrimination>
/ ontrialbegin = [
  values.reference_odor_item = list.reference_odors.nextvalue;
  values.comparison_odor_item = list.comparison_odors.nextvalue;
  values.is_reference = list.is_reference_list.nextvalue;
/ ontrialbegin = [
  if (values.is_reference == "odor_1") {
   values.odor_1_item = values.reference_odor_item;
   values.odor_2_item = values.comparison_odor_item;
   values.correctkey = lbuttondown;
  } else if (values.is_reference == "odor_2") {
   values.odor_1_item = values.comparison_odor_item;
   values.odor_2_item = values.reference_odor_item;
   values.correctkey = 38;
/ stimulustimes = [0=3; 1000=2; 2000=1; 2850=reference_odor; 3000=inhale; 3000=reference_label; 5000=empty;
                7000=3; 8000=2; 9000=1; 9850=odor_1; 10000=inhale; 10000=odor1_label; 12000=empty;
                14000=3; 15000=2; 16000=1; 16850=odor_2; 17000=inhale; 17000=odor2_label; 19000=empty;
                21000=odor1_response; 21000=odor2_response; 21000=discrim_quest]
/ validresponse = (30, 38)
/ beginresponsetime = 21000
/ pretrialpause = 1000
/ iscorrectresponse = [
  trial.discrimination.response == values.correctmouseevent

I now did the following changes (see what is printed bold): 

/ reference_odor_item = 0
/ comparison_odor_item = 0
/ odor_1_item = 0
/ odor_2_item = 0
/ is_reference = ""
/ correctmouseevent = rbuttondown

<trial discrimination>
/ ontrialbegin = [
values.reference_odor_item = list.reference_odors.nextvalue;
values.comparison_odor_item = list.comparison_odors.nextvalue;
values.is_reference = list.is_reference_list.nextvalue;
/ ontrialbegin = [
if (values.is_reference == "odor_1") {
 values.odor_1_item = values.reference_odor_item;
 values.odor_2_item = values.comparison_odor_item;
 values.correctmouseevent = lbuttondown;
} else if (values.is_reference == "odor_2") {
 values.odor_1_item = values.comparison_odor_item;
 values.odor_2_item = values.reference_odor_item;
 values.correctmouseevent = rbuttondown;
/ stimulustimes = [0=3; 1000=2; 2000=1; 2850=reference_odor; 3000=inhale; 3000=reference_label; 5000=empty;
      7000=3; 8000=2; 9000=1; 9850=odor_1; 10000=inhale; 10000=odor1_label; 12000=empty;
      14000=3; 15000=2; 16000=1; 16850=odor_2; 17000=inhale; 17000=odor2_label; 19000=empty;
      21000=odor1_response; 21000=odor2_response; 21000=discrim_quest]
/ validresponse = (lbuttondown, rbuttondown)
/ inputdevice = mousekey
/ beginresponsetime = 21000
/ pretrialpause = 1000
/ iscorrectresponse = [
trial.discrimination.response == values.correctmouseevent

The only error that I now still get is that the 'lbuttondown' expression within the if - else if expression in /ontrialbegin (the one I colored red) "contains an unknown element or property name." I suppose this is the case because Inquisit does not know, on trial begin, that the input device has changed from its default. I was, thus, wondering how this can be communicated to Inquisit or whether I am wrong and something else needs to be changed about my code.

Thousand thanks in advance!

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