Priming experiment

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Michael Thorpe - 1/13/2021
Hello. I'm new to Millisecond/Inquisit, and would appreciate some help/advice.

I want to set up a priming experiment with the following parameters: in each trial a priming melody is presented, followed (after a short pause) by a target melody. Participants will simply need to respond to the final tone of the target melody, indicating whether it was higher or lower in pitch than the tone that came immediately before it. The target will either by structurally related to the prime or not, and I will want to analyse any effects of structural relatedness on RT and error rate.

I've had a look at the Millisecond Test Library, but unsure if any of the existing priming experiment scripts are suitable. Before going any further with my search, I thought I'd ask the forum if anyone can advise - would anyone be able to direct me to a suitable script?

Thank you in advance for any help.

is fairly straightforward and should provide a reasonable basis.

Also see
Michael Thorpe
Michael Thorpe
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Hello. I'm new to Millisecond/Inquisit, and would appreciate some help/advice.

I want to set up a priming experiment with the following parameters: in each trial a priming melody is presented, followed (after a short pause) by a target melody. Participants will simply need to respond to the final tone of the target melody, indicating whether it was higher or lower in pitch than the tone that came immediately before it. The target will either by structurally related to the prime or not, and I will want to analyse any effects of structural relatedness on RT and error rate.

I've had a look at the Millisecond Test Library, but unsure if any of the existing priming experiment scripts are suitable. Before going any further with my search, I thought I'd ask the forum if anyone can advise - would anyone be able to direct me to a suitable script?

Thank you in advance for any help.


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