Allowing response before presentation of last item in a trial

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Dear Community,

we´re programming a reaction time experiment in Inquisite 6. In the experiment, participants will categorise a stimulus as fast as possible. The stimulus is hereby only being presented for a few hundred milliseconds.

The timing of each trial looks somewhat like this:

/ stimulustimes=[0=fixation, reminder_right, reminder_left; 1000=Old_Happy_r; 1500=Blackscreen_pic]

Now, we ran into a problem: You cannot respond before the Blackscreen_pic has been presented and the reaction time measurement seems to start after the presentation of the last item (i.e. Blackscreen_pic). Optimally, we would like the reaction time measurement to begin running when the Old_Happy_r is being presented (and also allow responses starting at that time). Is this possible in Inquisite 6?



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MaxPrimbs - 1/29/2021
Dear Community,

we´re programming a reaction time experiment in Inquisite 6. In the experiment, participants will categorise a stimulus as fast as possible. The stimulus is hereby only being presented for a few hundred milliseconds.

The timing of each trial looks somewhat like this:

/ stimulustimes=[0=fixation, reminder_right, reminder_left; 1000=Old_Happy_r; 1500=Blackscreen_pic]

Now, we ran into a problem: You cannot respond before the Blackscreen_pic has been presented and the reaction time measurement seems to start after the presentation of the last item (i.e. Blackscreen_pic). Optimally, we would like the reaction time measurement to begin running when the Old_Happy_r is being presented (and also allow responses starting at that time). Is this possible in Inquisite 6?



/beginresponsetime is what you need:

Depending on how you want the trial to behave after response -- i.e. continue to show the remaining stimuli or not -- you may also need /responseinterrupt:

Edited 4 Years Ago by Dave
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 16
Dave - 1/29/2021
MaxPrimbs - 1/29/2021
Dear Community,

we´re programming a reaction time experiment in Inquisite 6. In the experiment, participants will categorise a stimulus as fast as possible. The stimulus is hereby only being presented for a few hundred milliseconds.

The timing of each trial looks somewhat like this:

/ stimulustimes=[0=fixation, reminder_right, reminder_left; 1000=Old_Happy_r; 1500=Blackscreen_pic]

Now, we ran into a problem: You cannot respond before the Blackscreen_pic has been presented and the reaction time measurement seems to start after the presentation of the last item (i.e. Blackscreen_pic). Optimally, we would like the reaction time measurement to begin running when the Old_Happy_r is being presented (and also allow responses starting at that time). Is this possible in Inquisite 6?



/beginresponsetime is what you need:

Depending on how you want the trial to behave after response -- i.e. continue to show the remaining stimuli or not -- you may also need /responseinterrupt:

Thanks, that worked!

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