Referencing text from list in anchor property of likert element

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 16, Visits: 52
I am having quite a complex script, in which I want to duplicate a likert element with different anchors depending on the trial. To make the script easier to adapt, I created a list. I want to reference from this list by the use of

<% list.listname.item %>

This works in text and item elements. However, this does not seem to work in the anchor property of the likert element. Is that impossible to do?

Here my script:

*creating list for each block containing the different colors that play a role as text elements
<list colors_text_01>
/ items = ("yellow", "blue")
/ selectionrate = block

*Trying to use the elements in likert scale
<likert likert_probability>
/ anchors = [1= "100% sure <%list.colors_text_01.items.1%>";
2= "90% sure <%list.colors_text_01.items.1%>";
3= "80% sure <%list.colors_text_01.items.1%>";
4= "70% sure <%list.colors_text_01.items.1%>";
5="60% sure <%list.colors_text_01.items.1%>";
7= "60% sure <%list.colors_text_01.items.2%>";
8="70% sure <%list.colors_text_01.items.2%>";
9="80% sure <%list.colors_text_01.items.2%>";
10= "90% sure <%list.colors_text_01.items.2%>";
11 = "100% sure <%list.colors_text_01.items.2%>"]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = likert2]
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 1.7%)
/ numpoints = 11
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ position = (50,90)

The anchors should read "100% sure yellow", "90% sure yellow", ..., "100% sure blue". However, this does not work.

This procedure works, however, in a text element:
<text instr>
/items = ("Please estimate which color will be displayed more frequently by the end (<%list.colors_text_01.items.1%> or <%list.colors_text_01.items.2%>)")
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.6%)
/ erase = false

Here, it reads "Please estimate which color will be displayed more frequently by the end (yellow or blue)"

(In this form it probably does not look very practical to do so, but I want to be able to quickly change the text in the first list and reference to it at multiple instances in the script.)

Thank you very much!


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