Recording Responses Following Removal of Stimulus

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I've created a task whereby each trial is presented for 2500ms. As it currently is, if participants do not make a response in that time, the latency is recorded as being 2500ms. I'm hoping to record response latency even after the trial has ended (i.e., during the post-trial pause) - for example, if a participant recognises the stimuli once it has been erased and makes a response, I want to know what the latency of that response is. 

I hope that makes sense. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have copied some of the script below if that's of any help.

<trial familiarity_negative>
/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation; 500=familiarity_negative; keyreminder_familiarity]
/ validresponse = ("F", "J")
/ correctresponse = ("F")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ timeout = 2500
/ posttrialpause = 2500
Many thanks,
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Sarah.Skromanis - 2/8/2021
I've created a task whereby each trial is presented for 2500ms. As it currently is, if participants do not make a response in that time, the latency is recorded as being 2500ms. I'm hoping to record response latency even after the trial has ended (i.e., during the post-trial pause) - for example, if a participant recognises the stimuli once it has been erased and makes a response, I want to know what the latency of that response is. 

I hope that makes sense. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have copied some of the script below if that's of any help.

<trial familiarity_negative>
/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation; 500=familiarity_negative; keyreminder_familiarity]
/ validresponse = ("F", "J")
/ correctresponse = ("F")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ timeout = 2500
/ posttrialpause = 2500
Many thanks,

Then you cannot use posttrialpause. The trial is over by then, so it does not register any responses. Instead you'll have to set the trial up along the following lines:

<trial familiarity_negative>
/ ontrialbegin = [trial.familiarity_negative.resetstimulusframes();]
/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation; 500=familiarity_negative; keyreminder_familiarity; 2500=clearscreen]
/ validresponse = ("F", "J")
/ correctresponse = ("F")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ timeout = 5000

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