Diving items from masterlist into sublists (to use and index across the whole experiment)

Diving items from masterlist into sublists (to use and index across...
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Posts: 9, Visits: 49

I am very new to Inquisit, and trying to set-up an experiment. 

I have a masterlist with 54 items in it, and I would like to divide these items randomly per participant across 4 sublists (list 1: 16 items, list 2: 16 items, list 3: 16 items, list 4: 18 items). This randomization will be in place for the whole of the experiment, and not only in one block or trial. Is there any way to randomly divide items of one list into 4 sublists? I saw one similar post from 7 years ago, but didn't quite understand unfortunately.

Additionally, is there then also a way that inquisit also indexes which items were divided into which sublist?

Thanks in advance for the help!

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