Values addition crashes script

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When I have added in a new value it leads to the script crashing and closes down the whole of the Inquisit desktop programme so I think I may be doing something wrong. I am also not sure if values are the best way to do it. In my task 3 shapes are randomly assigned to 3 values (£9, £5, £1) and participants make judgments based on shape and label presentations. I want to program the feedback so that it is linked to the randomly selected stimuli (e.g., incorrect you lose £9), but due to the random selection of stimuli and tag I am having some difficulties.

I have tried to do this as follows. The random selection of picture and tag works, but when I add values.icfeedback... it crashes.

<block block_info>
/ onblockend = [
if (list.nsat_tag.item(1) == "£9") {values.pic1con = "£9"; values.tag1name = "£9"; values.icfeedback1 = "incorrect - you lose 9 tokens"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(2) == "£9") {values.pic2con = "£9"; values.tag2name = "£9"; values.icfeedback2 = "incorrect - you lose 9 tokens"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(3) == "£9") {values.pic3con = "£9"; values.tag3name = "£9"; values.icfeedback3 = "incorrect - you lose 9 tokens"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(1) == "£5") {values.pic1con = "£5"; values.tag1name = "£5"; values.icfeedback1 = "incorrect - you lose 5 tokens"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(2) == "£5") {values.pic2con = "£5"; values.tag2name = "£5"; values.icfeedback2 = "incorrect - you lose 5 tokens"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(3) == "£5") {values.pic3con = "£5"; values.tag3name = "£5"; values.icfeedback3 = "incorrect - you lose 5 tokens"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(1) == "£1") {values.pic1con = "£1"; values.tag1name = "£1"; values.icfeedback1 = "incorrect - you lose 1 token"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(2) == "£1") {values.pic2con = "£1"; values.tag2name = "£1"; values.icfeedback2 = "incorrect - you lose 1 token"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(3) == "£1") {values.pic3con = "£1"; values.tag3name = "£1"; values.icfeedback3 = "incorrect - you lose 1 token"};]

<picture picture_Pic>
/items = ("1.tif", "2.tif", "3.tif")
/select = noreplace
/position = (50%, 40%)

<list sat_pic>
/items = ("1.tif", "2.tif", "3.tif")
/ replace = false

<list nsat_pic>
/items = ("1.tif", "2.tif", "3.tif")

## images
<picture Pic1>
/items = ("<% list.nsat_pic.item(1) %>")
/position = (50%, 35%)

<picture Pic2>
/items = ("<% list.nsat_pic.item(2) %>")
/ position = (50%, 35%)

<picture Pic3>
/items = ("<% list.nsat_pic.item(3) %>")
/ position = (50%, 35%)

<list sat_tag>
/items = ("£9", "£5", "£1")
/replace = false

<list nsat_tag>

## tags
<text Tag1>
/ items=("<% list.nsat_tag.item(1) %>")
/ position = (50%, 65%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 5%)

<text Tag2>
/ items = ("<% list.nsat_tag.item(2) %>")
/ position = (50%, 65%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 5%)

<text Tag3>
/ items = ("<% list.nsat_tag.item(3) %>")
/ position = (50%, 65%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 5%)

<text feedback_C>
/ items = ("correct")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 32pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

<text feedback_IC9>
/ items = ("incorrect - you lose 9 tokens")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 32pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

<text feedback_IC5>
/ items = ("incorrect - you lose 5 tokens")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 32pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

<text feedback_IC1>
/ items = ("incorrect - you lose 1 token")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 32pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

<text feedback_NR>
/ items = ("too slow")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 32pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

Example trial
<trial Con1>
/ ontrialbegin = [ values.Con_match = "match"; values.Con_shape = values.pic1con;
       values.Stim_Content =picture.Pic1.currentitem; values.Con_label = text.Tag1.currentitem;
       values.cres=values.mRes; values.wres = values.nRes; values.TrialID += 1;]
/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation; 500=Pic1, Tag1;650=clearscreen]
/ correctresponse = (values.cres)
/ validresponse = (values.nRes, values.mRes)
/ beginresponsetime = 500
/ responseinterrupt = immediate
/ response = timeout(1500)
/ posttrialpause = parameters.iti
/ responsemessage = (values.cres, feedback_C, 500)
/ responsemessage = (values.wres, values.icfeedback1, 500)
/ responsemessage = ("", feedback_NR, 500)

Many thanks in advance for any help as I am not sure what is causing the issue so I don't therefore know where to look to solve it.

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n.lee.20 - 2/16/2021

When I have added in a new value it leads to the script crashing and closes down the whole of the Inquisit desktop programme so I think I may be doing something wrong. I am also not sure if values are the best way to do it. In my task 3 shapes are randomly assigned to 3 values (£9, £5, £1) and participants make judgments based on shape and label presentations. I want to program the feedback so that it is linked to the randomly selected stimuli (e.g., incorrect you lose £9), but due to the random selection of stimuli and tag I am having some difficulties.

I have tried to do this as follows. The random selection of picture and tag works, but when I add values.icfeedback... it crashes.

<block block_info>
/ onblockend = [
if (list.nsat_tag.item(1) == "£9") {values.pic1con = "£9"; values.tag1name = "£9"; values.icfeedback1 = "incorrect - you lose 9 tokens"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(2) == "£9") {values.pic2con = "£9"; values.tag2name = "£9"; values.icfeedback2 = "incorrect - you lose 9 tokens"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(3) == "£9") {values.pic3con = "£9"; values.tag3name = "£9"; values.icfeedback3 = "incorrect - you lose 9 tokens"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(1) == "£5") {values.pic1con = "£5"; values.tag1name = "£5"; values.icfeedback1 = "incorrect - you lose 5 tokens"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(2) == "£5") {values.pic2con = "£5"; values.tag2name = "£5"; values.icfeedback2 = "incorrect - you lose 5 tokens"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(3) == "£5") {values.pic3con = "£5"; values.tag3name = "£5"; values.icfeedback3 = "incorrect - you lose 5 tokens"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(1) == "£1") {values.pic1con = "£1"; values.tag1name = "£1"; values.icfeedback1 = "incorrect - you lose 1 token"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(2) == "£1") {values.pic2con = "£1"; values.tag2name = "£1"; values.icfeedback2 = "incorrect - you lose 1 token"};
if (list.nsat_tag.item(3) == "£1") {values.pic3con = "£1"; values.tag3name = "£1"; values.icfeedback3 = "incorrect - you lose 1 token"};]

<picture picture_Pic>
/items = ("1.tif", "2.tif", "3.tif")
/select = noreplace
/position = (50%, 40%)

<list sat_pic>
/items = ("1.tif", "2.tif", "3.tif")
/ replace = false

<list nsat_pic>
/items = ("1.tif", "2.tif", "3.tif")

## images
<picture Pic1>
/items = ("<% list.nsat_pic.item(1) %>")
/position = (50%, 35%)

<picture Pic2>
/items = ("<% list.nsat_pic.item(2) %>")
/ position = (50%, 35%)

<picture Pic3>
/items = ("<% list.nsat_pic.item(3) %>")
/ position = (50%, 35%)

<list sat_tag>
/items = ("£9", "£5", "£1")
/replace = false

<list nsat_tag>

## tags
<text Tag1>
/ items=("<% list.nsat_tag.item(1) %>")
/ position = (50%, 65%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 5%)

<text Tag2>
/ items = ("<% list.nsat_tag.item(2) %>")
/ position = (50%, 65%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 5%)

<text Tag3>
/ items = ("<% list.nsat_tag.item(3) %>")
/ position = (50%, 65%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 5%)

<text feedback_C>
/ items = ("correct")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 32pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

<text feedback_IC9>
/ items = ("incorrect - you lose 9 tokens")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 32pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

<text feedback_IC5>
/ items = ("incorrect - you lose 5 tokens")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 32pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

<text feedback_IC1>
/ items = ("incorrect - you lose 1 token")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 32pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

<text feedback_NR>
/ items = ("too slow")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial Black", 32pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

Example trial
<trial Con1>
/ ontrialbegin = [ values.Con_match = "match"; values.Con_shape = values.pic1con;
       values.Stim_Content =picture.Pic1.currentitem; values.Con_label = text.Tag1.currentitem;
       values.cres=values.mRes; values.wres = values.nRes; values.TrialID += 1;]
/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation; 500=Pic1, Tag1;650=clearscreen]
/ correctresponse = (values.cres)
/ validresponse = (values.nRes, values.mRes)
/ beginresponsetime = 500
/ responseinterrupt = immediate
/ response = timeout(1500)
/ posttrialpause = parameters.iti
/ responsemessage = (values.cres, feedback_C, 500)
/ responsemessage = (values.wres, values.icfeedback1, 500)
/ responsemessage = ("", feedback_NR, 500)

Many thanks in advance for any help as I am not sure what is causing the issue so I don't therefore know where to look to solve it.


Please provide the full script and all files it requires to run. I cannot look into a crash if I don't have something I can actually execute.
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Hi Dave

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly, sorry for not attaching before. Please find attached now.

Many thanks
Attachments (209 views, 24.00 KB)
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n.lee.20 - 2/16/2021

Hi Dave

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly, sorry for not attaching before. Please find attached now.

Many thanks

The problem with your script are the following constructions:

/ errormessage = true(values.icfeedback1, 500)

/ responsemessage = (values.wres, values.icfeedback1, 500)

A value is not a stimulus element, so it cannot be displayed as a response stimulus of any kind. You can display <text>, <picture>, etc. as response, correct, or error messages.

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Hi Dave

Thank you very much for finding that error. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can get the correct error message for each trial when the stimuli are randomly selected, but the error message must be linked to that stimuli?

E.g., If stimuli 2 is selected, error message 2 is shown?

Many thanks for your ongoing help!
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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n.lee.20 - 2/16/2021
Hi Dave

Thank you very much for finding that error. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can get the correct error message for each trial when the stimuli are randomly selected, but the error message must be linked to that stimuli?

E.g., If stimuli 2 is selected, error message 2 is shown?

Many thanks for your ongoing help!

You can simply do

<trial Con1>
/ ontrialbegin = [ values.Con_match = "match"; values.Con_shape = values.pic1con;
       values.Stim_Content =picture.Pic1.currentitem; values.Con_label = text.Tag1.currentitem;
       values.cres=values.mRes; values.wres = values.nRes; values.TrialID += 1;]
/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation; 500=Pic1, Tag1;650=clearscreen]
/ correctresponse = (values.cres)
/ validresponse = (values.nRes, values.mRes)
/ beginresponsetime = 500
/ responseinterrupt = immediate
/ response = timeout(1500)
/ posttrialpause = parameters.iti
/ responsemessage = (values.cres, feedback_C, 500)
/ responsemessage = (values.wres, text.icfeedback1, 500)
/ responsemessage = ("", feedback_NR, 500)


<text icfeedback1>
/ items = ("<%values.icfeedback1%>")

and so forth.

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Thank you so much, that works perfectly! 


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