Presenting stimulus pairs from different lists

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This example script is exactly what i needed. It works now, thanks so much!
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Dave - 2/18/2021
SWIECHE - 2/18/2021
I have a question regarding: presenting stimulus pairs from different lists. In the example Think/No-think script, the stimulus pair is presented as follows:

<text wordPair>
/ items = ("<%item.words.item(values.index_cueword)%> - <%item.words.item(values.index_recallword)%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", parameters.wordHeight, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

Here, the text contains items from the same list. I have changed this to the following as I am retrieving words from different lists:
<text Suppressioncues>
/ items = ("<%item.Suppressioncue.item(values.index_Suppressioncueword)%> - <%item.Suppressiontarget.item(values.index_Suppressionrecallword)%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", parameters.wordHeight, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

Unfortunately, this code is not running. This is why my question - is it not possible to index from different lists or is there something else that I am doing wrong?

Many thanks!

It's perfectly possible to index from different lists. It's not possible to tell from the code snippet you posted what you're doing wrong.
- Are the values referenced -- values.index_Suppressioncueword and values.index_Suppressionrecallword -- properly defined?
- Are they actually properly set to different values in /ontrialbegin etc. logic?
- Are the <item> elements referenced, <item Suppressioncue> and <item Suppressiontarget>, properly  defined?

Here's an example that will randomly pair four cues and targets, so you can see that using different item lists works when all the relevant pieces are there:

/ wordHeight = 4%

/ index_Suppressioncueword = 0
/ index_Suppressionrecallword = 0

<item Suppressioncue>
/ 1 = "Cue A"
/ 2 = "Cue B"
/ 3 = "Cue C"
/ 4 = "Cue D"

<item Suppressiontarget>
/ 1 = "Target 1"
/ 2 = "Target 2"
/ 3 = "Target 3"
/ 4 = "Target 4"

<list cuenumbers>
/ poolsize = 4

<list targetnumbers>
/ poolsize = 4

<text Suppressioncues>
/ items = ("<%item.Suppressioncue.item(values.index_Suppressioncueword)%> - <%item.Suppressiontarget.item(values.index_Suppressionrecallword)%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", parameters.wordHeight, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

<trial exampletrial>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.index_Suppressioncueword = list.cuenumbers.nextindex;
    values.index_Suppressionrecallword = list.targetnumbers.nextindex;
/ stimulusframes = [1=Suppressioncues]
/ validresponse = (57)

<block exampleblock>
/ trials = [1-4=exampletrial]
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SWIECHE - 2/18/2021
I have a question regarding: presenting stimulus pairs from different lists. In the example Think/No-think script, the stimulus pair is presented as follows:

<text wordPair>
/ items = ("<%item.words.item(values.index_cueword)%> - <%item.words.item(values.index_recallword)%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", parameters.wordHeight, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

Here, the text contains items from the same list. I have changed this to the following as I am retrieving words from different lists:
<text Suppressioncues>
/ items = ("<%item.Suppressioncue.item(values.index_Suppressioncueword)%> - <%item.Suppressiontarget.item(values.index_Suppressionrecallword)%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", parameters.wordHeight, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

Unfortunately, this code is not running. This is why my question - is it not possible to index from different lists or is there something else that I am doing wrong?

Many thanks!

It's perfectly possible to index from different lists. It's not possible to tell from the code snippet you posted what you're doing wrong.
- Are the values referenced -- values.index_Suppressioncueword and values.index_Suppressionrecallword -- properly defined?
- Are they actually properly set to different values in /ontrialbegin etc. logic?
- Are the <item> elements referenced, <item Suppressioncue> and <item Suppressiontarget>, properly  defined?

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 9, Visits: 49
I have a question regarding: presenting stimulus pairs from different lists. In the example Think/No-think script, the stimulus pair is presented as follows:

<text wordPair>
/ items = ("<%item.words.item(values.index_cueword)%> - <%item.words.item(values.index_recallword)%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", parameters.wordHeight, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

Here, the text contains items from the same list. I have changed this to the following as I am retrieving words from different lists:
<text Suppressioncues>
/ items = ("<%item.Suppressioncue.item(values.index_Suppressioncueword)%> - <%item.Suppressiontarget.item(values.index_Suppressionrecallword)%>")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", parameters.wordHeight, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)

Unfortunately, this code is not running. This is why my question - is it not possible to index from different lists or is there something else that I am doing wrong?

Many thanks!

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