Random assignment of group number in IAT

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I am designing an IAT experiment using the trial version of Inquisit Lab 6 for my thesis, and was wondering if there was a way to automatically and randomly assign participants to one of two conditions without having them enter the group number, subject ID and session number? I have attached a screenshot of the screen I would like to "get rid off" from the participant's point of view.
I followed the directions on this website https://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v6/html/articles/websubjectnumbers.htm, but it didn't work. Is it because I am still using the trial version of Inquisit Lab? 

Any help or clarification would be much appreciated!


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Confused_desi - 2/12/2021

I am designing an IAT experiment using the trial version of Inquisit Lab 6 for my thesis, and was wondering if there was a way to automatically and randomly assign participants to one of two conditions without having them enter the group number, subject ID and session number? I have attached a screenshot of the screen I would like to "get rid off" from the participant's point of view.
I followed the directions on this website https://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v6/html/articles/websubjectnumbers.htm, but it didn't work. Is it because I am still using the trial version of Inquisit Lab? 

Any help or clarification would be much appreciated!


In Inquisit Web, once you have an Inquisit Web license, you simply select random group ID generation and indicate the number of groups as 2. Participants will not have to enter anything.
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Hello Dave,

Sounds good! Thank you very much!

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Confused_desi - 2/12/2021
Hello Dave,

Sounds good! Thank you very much!


This is how this will look in the online interface you see when you register a script under your account / web license:

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Hi Dave,

This is a really helpful screenshot of the interface, thank you! This is helpful since I plan to link a Qualtrics survey to Inquisit such that the IDs are automatically transferred from Qualtrics to Inquisit and back to the Qualtrics survey.

The forum has been a really great resource!

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Confused_desi - 2/12/2021
Hi Dave,

This is a really helpful screenshot of the interface, thank you! This is helpful since I plan to link a Qualtrics survey to Inquisit such that the IDs are automatically transferred from Qualtrics to Inquisit and back to the Qualtrics survey.

The forum has been a really great resource!


For transfering the ID from Qualtrics, see https://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v6/html/howto/interopsurveys.htm , under "Sending Subject IDs from 3rd Party Site to Inquisit" and "Configuring Inquisit to Receive IDs from a 3rd Party Web Site".

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Hi Dave,

Thank you for sharing that helpful page!

So right now, I am using the trial version of Inquisit Lab 6 to finalize my experiment. To "test-run" the transfer of IDs between Inquisit Web lab 6 and Qualtrics, do I need to purchase the license first? Or is there a way I can test it out using a trial version of Inquisit Web Lab 6?
I appreciate all of your patience wit answering my sporadic questions!

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Confused_desi - 2/22/2021
Hi Dave,

Thank you for sharing that helpful page!

So right now, I am using the trial version of Inquisit Lab 6 to finalize my experiment. To "test-run" the transfer of IDs between Inquisit Web lab 6 and Qualtrics, do I need to purchase the license first? Or is there a way I can test it out using a trial version of Inquisit Web Lab 6?
I appreciate all of your patience wit answering my sporadic questions!


Transfering IDs from Qualtrics to Inquisit and vice versa is only really applicable on the web, so you'll need a web license to set it up.

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