+x KatrinaMcDonough - 2/23/2021Hello, I have a web experiment (https://mili2nd.eu/mwxb) and lots of participants are reporting that the study isn't loading, although it does work for some, and works for me. I looked at the data logs and it shows all the people who tried and failed but it doesn't log an error. I wondered if it was a version problem because lots of participants who had problems are using version 6.3.4 of inquisit player, but the study is built in that same version so I am not sure. . Do you know what the problem could be?Thanks,Katrina
+x KatrinaMcDonough - 2/23/2021+x KatrinaMcDonough - 2/23/2021Hello, I have a web experiment (https://mili2nd.eu/mwxb) and lots of participants are reporting that the study isn't loading, although it does work for some, and works for me. I looked at the data logs and it shows all the people who tried and failed but it doesn't log an error. I wondered if it was a version problem because lots of participants who had problems are using version 6.3.4 of inquisit player, but the study is built in that same version so I am not sure. . Do you know what the problem could be?Thanks,KatrinaI have the same problem with this experiment : https://mili2nd.eu/ltxb. The data logs are showing problems with version 6.3.4.