Behavioral Pattern Separation Task

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Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone could please help me edit the behavioral pattern separation task.

I am creating an experiment to assess the mnemonic similarity of a new set of images (to use in a later pattern separation task). I am using the original behavioral pattern separation task code, but I'm inserting my own images, and because I don't know the similarity of the images yet, I don't have any images in the 'lure bins' section of the code. (Essentially the task will be the same: in a learning phase participants view target images. In a test phase, participants view target, similar, and novel images and rate whether each image is 'old', 'new', or 'similar').

I think I have linked my new images, but I receive the below errors when I run the task. Does anyone know how I can fix this? I wonder if it has something to do with the 'lure bins'.

Thanks in advance,

Type    Element    Attribute    Message
2        Unable to initialize <picture target> item number 102. Verify the item exists and is correctly defined.

Type    Element    Attribute    Message
5            Inquisit Error: prepare() failed, Line 214, File Trial.cpp.

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Hasagu - 3/7/2021
Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone could please help me edit the behavioral pattern separation task.

I am creating an experiment to assess the mnemonic similarity of a new set of images (to use in a later pattern separation task). I am using the original behavioral pattern separation task code, but I'm inserting my own images, and because I don't know the similarity of the images yet, I don't have any images in the 'lure bins' section of the code. (Essentially the task will be the same: in a learning phase participants view target images. In a test phase, participants view target, similar, and novel images and rate whether each image is 'old', 'new', or 'similar').

I think I have linked my new images, but I receive the below errors when I run the task. Does anyone know how I can fix this? I wonder if it has something to do with the 'lure bins'.

Thanks in advance,

Type    Element    Attribute    Message
2        Unable to initialize <picture target> item number 102. Verify the item exists and is correctly defined.

Type    Element    Attribute    Message
5            Inquisit Error: prepare() failed, Line 214, File Trial.cpp.

> 2   Unable to initialize <picture target> item number 102. Verify the item exists and is correctly defined.

You have some logic in the script that calls on item numbers (here  an item #102) in <picture target> that do not exist.


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