Avoid repeating stimuly from different lists

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 31
Dear all,

I am creating a typical face recognition task but I have been facing the following problem:
My participants first study 40 different faces (identities) and then have to recognize all 40 faces from a picture that is either in Type-A or in Type-B. Therefore, if a face (identity) is presented during recognition in Type-A, it should not be presented in Type-B. I want the distribution of the two picture types to be equal but random.

My idea was to create two different lists, one for picture Type-A and one for picture Type-B. But I do not know how to arrange it so that the same face(identity) does not appear twice. Can someone explain how I can make this happen considering that the picture names will naturally have to differ (20_m_sf.jpg. vs. 20_m_ff.jpg). Also, note that the type of picture when studying the face is different than both Type-A and Type-B.

Thanks a lot!


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ASagana - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
ASagana - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
                     Thanks a zillion! It helps immensely.
ASagana - 4 Years Ago
ASagana - 4 Years Ago
                         If you want me to say anything about this, provide full, runnable...
Dave - 4 Years Ago
                             Dear Dave, I think I have not been making myself clear and I...
ASagana - 4 Years Ago
                                 > If the face is presented once it should not be presented again,...
Dave - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
                                         Thank you so so much, not only for correcting the code but also for...
ASagana - 4 Years Ago

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