Missing online Data

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Dear all,
During the piloting of our current experiment, the entire data of one participant was not saved and did not appear in our online data. Only when the same participant went through the experiment a second time, the data from both the first and the second experiment become accessible in the online data.
It is not clear to us what the reason could be, are there any empirical values in this regard? And if so, how can we avoid this error for future subjects?
Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards,
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Djo - 3/17/2021
Dear all,
During the piloting of our current experiment, the entire data of one participant was not saved and did not appear in our online data. Only when the same participant went through the experiment a second time, the data from both the first and the second experiment become accessible in the online data.
It is not clear to us what the reason could be, are there any empirical values in this regard? And if so, how can we avoid this error for future subjects?
Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards,

If data cannot be uploaded (for whatever reason: the participant's internet connection temporarily went down; they mistakenly disabled automatic upload in the Inquisit Player app), the data will remain on the participants device until such time that it is either manually uploaded (open the player app, go to the "Data" tab; any not-yet uploaded files will be listed there and you can manually trigger upload by clicking the "Cloud" upload icon in the upper right-hand corner) or automatic upload is enabled again, in which case the player should upload the files when it's running / online the next time.
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I ran into something that could be an extension of this question – I had a similar error where a participant could recall parts of the experiment (i.e. I believe they completed the task) but didn't receive a subject id confirmation code and I couldn't find a data file from around the time they took it. When I directed them to check the player for automatic upload/manually upload the data if necessary, they sent back a screenshot showing no data files stored locally on their device. I'm no longer hoping to retrieve their data since that seems unlikely, but I'm not sure what may have led to this and would like to prevent it in the future if possible.

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kveylet - 3/24/2021
I ran into something that could be an extension of this question – I had a similar error where a participant could recall parts of the experiment (i.e. I believe they completed the task) but didn't receive a subject id confirmation code and I couldn't find a data file from around the time they took it. When I directed them to check the player for automatic upload/manually upload the data if necessary, they sent back a screenshot showing no data files stored locally on their device. I'm no longer hoping to retrieve their data since that seems unlikely, but I'm not sure what may have led to this and would like to prevent it in the future if possible.


Would you have the link to the respective experiment and the participant's ID, please?

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