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Hey there
Hope all is well! A week on, experiment is basically finished! I'm seeking help with one small thing. I have tried various methods for creating a reversed countdown stimulus, literally as basic as - 3, 2, 1, such that on a trial sequence:
countdown (3, 2, 1, thus total of three seconds, second each) ---> target audio stimulus (with a visual musical note cue) --> comprehension question --> (after keyboard response, elicits next trial, thus back to the countdown again).
The countdown should display each numeral replacing the last on central screen. Everything else is working below!, its literally just the countdown I require for each trial (before the audio files are played). I've tried ontrialbegin, clock, counter, timer, lots of things. Thank you kindly in advance. Yours Sincerely
***************** STIMULI ***************** <item scenarioP> / 1 = "P1.mp3" / 2 = "P2.mp3" / 3 = "P3.mp3" / 4 = "P4.mp3" / 5 = "P5.mp3" / 6 = "P6.mp3" / 7 = "P7.mp3" / 8 = "P8.mp3" / 9 = "P9.mp3" / 10 = "P10.mp3" / 11 = "P11.mp3" / 12 = "P12.mp3" / 13 = "P13.mp3" / 14 = "P14.mp3" / 15 = "P15.mp3" / 16 = "P16.mp3" / 17 = "P17.mp3" / 18 = "P18.mp3" / 19 = "P19.mp3" / 20 = "P20.mp3" / 21 = "P21.mp3" / 22 = "P22.mp3" / 23 = "P23.mp3" / 24 = "P24.mp3" / 25 = "P25.mp3" / 26 = "P26.mp3" / 27 = "P27.mp3" / 28 = "P28.mp3" / 29 = "P29.mp3" / 30 = "P30.mp3" / 31 = "P31.mp3" / 32 ="P32.mp3" / 33 = "P33.mp3" / 34 = "P34.mp3" / 35 = "P35.mp3" </item>
<item comprehensionP> / 1 = "Do you think you have a good chance of getting the promotion?" / 2 = "Is your partner injured?" / 3 = "Do you have enough money to go away skiing?" / 4 = "Did you get stuck in the lift?" / 5 = "Do you think your new boss is happy with your work?" / 6 = "Has your card been declined?" / 7 = "Do you regret spending the money on the headphones?" / 8 = "Did you feel disappointed with your performance?" / 9 = "Will you look silly wearing your gym clothes at lunch?" / 10 = "Does reflecting on your life leave you feeling negative?" / 11 = "Are you content with what you have?" / 12 ="Are you responsible for your son's politeness today?" / 13 = "Does your boss think your work is unacceptable?" / 14 = "Are you satisfied with your organisational skills?" / 15 = "Do you find it daunting thinking about switching careers?" / 16 = "Do you make a valuable contribution to the department?" / 17 = "Is your work still there?" / 18 = "Will your course-mates grade your presentation advantageously?" / 19 = "Is your friend too busy to write a long response?" / 20 = "Are your new neighbours nice?" / 21 = "Is your friend upset that you cancelled?" / 22 = "Are you pleased with the way you came across?" / 23 = "Are your new team mates glad you've joined the team?" / 24 = "Is your heart racing because you are nervous?" / 25 = "Will the team like you?" / 26 = "Do the others at the dinner party find you dull?" / 27 = "Did your flatmate react badly to your talk?" / 28 = "Will they still be attending the date?" / 29 = "Did you do a good job choosing the present?" / 30 = "Are you making a good impression at the family gathering?" / 31 = "Is your colleague offended by what you said?" / 32 = "Do your friends dislike what you have done?" / 33 = "Will your friends think the party is bad?" / 34 = "Is your barbeque going well?" / 35 = "Is your partner bothered by what you said?" </item>
<item rawnote> / 1 = "NOTE.png" </item>
<video scenarioP> / items = scenarioP / select = noreplace / pan = 0 / playthrough = true </video>
<text comprehensionP> /size = (900, 70) /position = (50, 50) /halign = center / items = comprehensionP / select = video.scenarioP.currentindex </text>
<text correctfeed> / items = ("correct !") /size = (900, 70) /position = (50, 50) /halign = center / color =#00d900 </text>
<text incorrectfeed> / items = ("incorrect...") /size = (900, 70) /position = (50, 50) /halign = center / color = red </text>
<picture note> / items = rawnote /size = (900, 70) /position = (50, 50) /halign = center </picture>
***************** LISTS ***************** E = scancode 18 (yes) I = scancode 23 (no) *****************
<list correctkeys_comprehensionP> /items = (18, 23, 18, 23, 18, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 18, 18, 23, 18, 23, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 23, 18, 18, 23, 18, 23, 23, 18, 18, 18, 23, 23, 23, 18, 23) / selectionmode = video.scenarioP.currentindex </list>
***************** TRIALS *****************
<trial scenarioP> / stimulusframes = [2=scenarioP, note] / responseinterrupt = trial / validresponse = (0) / trialduration = 1000 / branch = [trial.comprehensionP] </trial>
<trial comprehensionP> / stimulusframes = [1=text.comprehensionP] / validresponse = ("E", "I") / iscorrectresponse = [trial.comprehensionP.response == list.correctkeys_comprehensionP.nextvalue] / branch = [ if(trial.comprehensionP.correct){ trial.correctfeed }else trial.incorrectfeed] </trial>
<trial correctfeed> / stimulusframes = [1=text.correctfeed] / trialduration = 950 / showmousecursor = false </trial>
<trial incorrectfeed> / stimulusframes = [1=text.incorrectfeed] / trialduration = 950 / showmousecursor = false </trial>
***************** BLOCKS *****************
<block positive> / trials = [1-35=noreplace(trial.scenarioP)] </block>
***************** EXPERIMENT *****************
<expt> / blocks = [1=block.positive] </expt>