Html and normal page for pre- and postinstructions

Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 14, Visits: 26
Hi everybody,
I've got a rather simple problem, but can't seem to handle it.
I have an experiment with a htmlpage for preinstructions and a page for postinstructions. My problem is that I can't click on the "continue" button in the preinstructions and I can't see a mouse cursor on the postinstructions so I can't click on the continue button there either.
In addition the postinstructions (the feedback page) is only shown for a few milliseconds and disappears then.

With inquisit 5 I remember it working like that. Do I have to specify somewhere more details for the pages? How can I make it work?

I would be very glad if somebody could help me out!

******(G) Definition of general parameters******

/ columns = [date time subject trialnum trialcode latency response correct]
/ labels = TRUE
/ format = TAB
/ separatefiles = false

/ screencolor = (255,255,255)
/ canvasaspectratio = (2650, 1650)
/ canvasposition = (50%, 50%)
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ inputdevice = mouse

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%)
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"

<text timertext>
/ position = (95%,94%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)
/ items = ("Remaining Time:")

<clock timer>
/ mode = timer
/ format = "hh:mm:ss"
/ timeout = 5400000
/ position = (96%,96%)
/ resetrate = experiment
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)
/ txbgcolor = white
/ txcolor = black


* *basic instruction pages*

<htmlpage Instru_en>
/ file = "Instru_en.base64.html"

Values for feedback

/ sum_items_total = 0
/ sum_items_total_correct = 0
/ sum_items_total_NOTcorrect = 0

/ sum_items_syst = 0
/ sum_items_syst_correct = 0
/ sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect = 0

/ sum_items_itiv = 0
/ sum_items_itiv_correct = 0
/ sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect = 0

# TESTLET ETIT_syst_001_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001a>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001a.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (30%,30%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001a>
/ caption="An input signal x(t) is applied to a system. Which of the presented statements about the output signal y(t) is correct?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001b>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001b.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (27%,27%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001b>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is correct for causal systems?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001c>
/ caption="The impulse response of a system is g(t)=0.5*δ(t-t0) with the Dirac impulse δ(t) and t0>0. Which of the following statements about the output signal y(t) of the system is correct?"
/ options = ("~nIt holds: y(t)=0.5*x(t+t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=0.5*x(t-t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=2*x(t+t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=2*x(t-t0)~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001d>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001d.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (28%,28%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001d>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is correct about the condition a stable LTI system must meet?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<image pic_ETIT_syst_001e1>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001e1.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (22%,22%)

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001e2>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001e2.PNG")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ imagesize = (22%,22%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001e>
/ caption = "Which of the presented figures corresponds to the output signal that can be observed?"
/ options = ("~nFigure 1~n",
            "~nFigure 2~n",
            "~nFigure 3~n",
            "~nFigure 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,60%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001a; 1=ETIT_syst_001a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_001b; 1=ETIT_syst_001b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_syst_001c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_001d; 1=ETIT_syst_001d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001e1; 1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001e2; 1=ETIT_syst_001e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_syst_001_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_syst_001a; 2=p_ETIT_syst_001b; 3=p_ETIT_syst_001c; 4=p_ETIT_syst_001d; 5=p_ETIT_syst_001e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_syst_002_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002a>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002a.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (25%,25%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002a>
/ caption="Which of the presented formulas is used to compute the Fourier transform X(f) of a signal x(t)?"
/ options = ("~nFormula 1~n",
            "~nFormula 2~n",
            "~nFormula 3~n",
            "~nFormula 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002b>
/ caption="Which of the following statements is correct?"
/ options = ("~nThe Fourier transform is a nonlinear transformation.~n",
            "~nThe Fourier transform is a linear transformation.~n",
            "~nFor harmonic signals, a Fourier transform cannot be computed.~n",
            "~nThe application of the Fourier transform to a signal causes loss of information.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002c>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002c.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (31%,31%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002c>
/ caption="Which of the formulas corresponds to the Fourier transform X(f) of the signal x(t)=sin(2πf0t) mit f0>0?"
/ options = ("~nFormula 1~n",
            "~nFormula 2~n",
            "~nFormula 3~n",
            "~nFormula 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002d>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002d.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (35%,35%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002d>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is true for the Fourier transform X(f) of x(t)?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<image pic_ETIT_syst_002e1>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002e1.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (31%,31%)

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002e2>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002e2.PNG")
/ position = (55%,26%)
/ imagesize = (33%,33%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002e>
/ options = ("~nFigure 1~n",
            "~nFigure 2~n",
            "~nFigure 3~n",
            "~nFigure 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,62%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002a; 1=ETIT_syst_002a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_syst_002b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_002c; 1=ETIT_syst_002c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_002d; 1=ETIT_syst_002d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002e1; 1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002e2; 1=ETIT_syst_002e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_syst_002_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_syst_002a; 2=p_ETIT_syst_002b; 3=p_ETIT_syst_002c; 4=p_ETIT_syst_002d; 5=p_ETIT_syst_002e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001a>
/ caption = "Which of the following is NOT a requirement of the axiom system of Boolean algebra (according to Huntington)?"
/ options = ("~nexistence of neutral elements~n",
            "~nexistence of complements~n",
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001b>
/ caption = "Which is NOT a basic system of Boolean algebra?"
/ options = ("~nAND, OR, NOT~n",
            "~nAND, NAND, NOR~n",
            "~nAND, OR~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001c>
/ caption = "Which of the following transformations is correct?"
/ options = ("~n¬(x1∧x2)=¬x1∨¬x2~n",
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001d>
/ caption = "What is the dual theorem to a∨0=a?"
/ options = ("~na ∧1=a~n",
            "~na ∨1=1~n",
            "~na ∨a=a~n",
            "~na ∨ ¬a=0~n")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001e>
/ caption = "What is the disjunctive minimal form of (a∧b∧¬c)∨(a∧¬b∧c)∨(b∧c)∨(¬a∧b)?"
/ options = ("~n(a∧b∧¬c)∨(a∧¬b∧c)∨(b∧c)∨(¬a∧b)~n",
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_itiv_001a; 2=p_ETIT_itiv_001b; 3=p_ETIT_itiv_001c; 4=p_ETIT_itiv_001d; 5=p_ETIT_itiv_001e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002a>
/ caption = "Under what name is the unary Boolean function f(x)=1 known?"
/ options = ("~nDisjunction~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002b>
/ caption = "How many fields does a KV diagram to minimise a function with n=5 consist of?"
/ options = ("~n2⋅5=10~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002c>
/ caption = "How many different Boolean functions with n=3 inputs are there?"
/ options = ("~n2^3=8~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1","4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002d>
/ caption = "How many prime implicants are required to cover f(x1,x2)=0 in a KV diagram?"
/ options = ("~nno prime implicants~n",
            "~none prime implicant~n",
            "~ntwo prime implicants~n",
            "~n2²=4 prime implicants~n")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002e>
/ caption = "Which of the following transformations is correct?"
/ options = ("~n¬(x1∧x2)=¬x1∧¬x2~n",
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002f>
/ caption = "By means of which logical operations can any Boolean function be expressed?"
/ options = ("~nBy a combination of logical NOT operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical AND and logical OR operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical AND and logical NOT operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical OR operations on the variables.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002g>
/ caption = "What is the consequence if the “don't-care” terms of an incompletely specified Boolean function are replaced by logical zeros before logic minimisation with the KV diagram?"
/ options = ("~nSuch a modification has no influence on the result under any circumstances. ~n",
            "~nInput combinations that should result in a 1-output may erroneously result in a 0-output after logic minimisation.~n",
            "~nInput combinations that should result in a 0-output may erroneously result in a 1-output after logic minimisation.~n",
            "~nThe derived result is functionally correct, but may be suboptimal.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002f>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002f]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002g>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002g]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]
# total testlet

<survey ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_itiv_002a; 2=p_ETIT_itiv_002b; 3=p_ETIT_itiv_002c; 4=p_ETIT_itiv_002d; 5=p_ETIT_itiv_002e;
6=p_ETIT_itiv_002f; 7=p_ETIT_itiv_002g]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white


/ sum_items_total = values.sum_items_total_correct + values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_etch = values.sum_items_etch_correct + values.sum_items_etch_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_scht = values.sum_items_scht_correct + values.sum_items_scht_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_syst = values.sum_items_syst_correct + values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_itiv = values.sum_items_itiv_correct + values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect

<page feedback>
^^ In total, you have completed <%expressions.sum_items_total%> items. Thereof you have answered <%values.sum_items_total_correct%> items correctly.
^ Systems theory:             <%values.sum_items_syst_correct%> out of <%expressions.sum_items_syst%> items solved correctly
^ Information Technology:         <%values.sum_items_itiv_correct%> out of <%expressions.sum_items_itiv%> items solved correctly
^^ Thank you for your participation.


<expt all>
/ preinstructions = (Instru_en)
/ blocks = [1-4 = noreplacenorepeat(
/ postinstructions = (feedback)
/ showmousecursor = true
/ timeout = 5400000

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
nash - 3/25/2021
Hi everybody,
I've got a rather simple problem, but can't seem to handle it.
I have an experiment with a htmlpage for preinstructions and a page for postinstructions. My problem is that I can't click on the "continue" button in the preinstructions and I can't see a mouse cursor on the postinstructions so I can't click on the continue button there either.
In addition the postinstructions (the feedback page) is only shown for a few milliseconds and disappears then.

With inquisit 5 I remember it working like that. Do I have to specify somewhere more details for the pages? How can I make it work?

I would be very glad if somebody could help me out!

******(G) Definition of general parameters******

/ columns = [date time subject trialnum trialcode latency response correct]
/ labels = TRUE
/ format = TAB
/ separatefiles = false

/ screencolor = (255,255,255)
/ canvasaspectratio = (2650, 1650)
/ canvasposition = (50%, 50%)
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ inputdevice = mouse

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%)
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"

<text timertext>
/ position = (95%,94%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)
/ items = ("Remaining Time:")

<clock timer>
/ mode = timer
/ format = "hh:mm:ss"
/ timeout = 5400000
/ position = (96%,96%)
/ resetrate = experiment
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)
/ txbgcolor = white
/ txcolor = black


* *basic instruction pages*

<htmlpage Instru_en>
/ file = "Instru_en.base64.html"

Values for feedback

/ sum_items_total = 0
/ sum_items_total_correct = 0
/ sum_items_total_NOTcorrect = 0

/ sum_items_syst = 0
/ sum_items_syst_correct = 0
/ sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect = 0

/ sum_items_itiv = 0
/ sum_items_itiv_correct = 0
/ sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect = 0

# TESTLET ETIT_syst_001_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001a>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001a.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (30%,30%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001a>
/ caption="An input signal x(t) is applied to a system. Which of the presented statements about the output signal y(t) is correct?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001b>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001b.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (27%,27%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001b>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is correct for causal systems?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001c>
/ caption="The impulse response of a system is g(t)=0.5*δ(t-t0) with the Dirac impulse δ(t) and t0>0. Which of the following statements about the output signal y(t) of the system is correct?"
/ options = ("~nIt holds: y(t)=0.5*x(t+t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=0.5*x(t-t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=2*x(t+t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=2*x(t-t0)~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001d>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001d.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (28%,28%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001d>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is correct about the condition a stable LTI system must meet?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<image pic_ETIT_syst_001e1>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001e1.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (22%,22%)

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001e2>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001e2.PNG")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ imagesize = (22%,22%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001e>
/ caption = "Which of the presented figures corresponds to the output signal that can be observed?"
/ options = ("~nFigure 1~n",
            "~nFigure 2~n",
            "~nFigure 3~n",
            "~nFigure 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,60%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001a; 1=ETIT_syst_001a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_001b; 1=ETIT_syst_001b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_syst_001c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_001d; 1=ETIT_syst_001d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001e1; 1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001e2; 1=ETIT_syst_001e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_syst_001_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_syst_001a; 2=p_ETIT_syst_001b; 3=p_ETIT_syst_001c; 4=p_ETIT_syst_001d; 5=p_ETIT_syst_001e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_syst_002_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002a>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002a.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (25%,25%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002a>
/ caption="Which of the presented formulas is used to compute the Fourier transform X(f) of a signal x(t)?"
/ options = ("~nFormula 1~n",
            "~nFormula 2~n",
            "~nFormula 3~n",
            "~nFormula 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002b>
/ caption="Which of the following statements is correct?"
/ options = ("~nThe Fourier transform is a nonlinear transformation.~n",
            "~nThe Fourier transform is a linear transformation.~n",
            "~nFor harmonic signals, a Fourier transform cannot be computed.~n",
            "~nThe application of the Fourier transform to a signal causes loss of information.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002c>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002c.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (31%,31%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002c>
/ caption="Which of the formulas corresponds to the Fourier transform X(f) of the signal x(t)=sin(2πf0t) mit f0>0?"
/ options = ("~nFormula 1~n",
            "~nFormula 2~n",
            "~nFormula 3~n",
            "~nFormula 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002d>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002d.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (35%,35%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002d>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is true for the Fourier transform X(f) of x(t)?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<image pic_ETIT_syst_002e1>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002e1.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (31%,31%)

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002e2>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002e2.PNG")
/ position = (55%,26%)
/ imagesize = (33%,33%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002e>
/ options = ("~nFigure 1~n",
            "~nFigure 2~n",
            "~nFigure 3~n",
            "~nFigure 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,62%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002a; 1=ETIT_syst_002a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_syst_002b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_002c; 1=ETIT_syst_002c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_002d; 1=ETIT_syst_002d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002e1; 1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002e2; 1=ETIT_syst_002e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_syst_002_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_syst_002a; 2=p_ETIT_syst_002b; 3=p_ETIT_syst_002c; 4=p_ETIT_syst_002d; 5=p_ETIT_syst_002e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001a>
/ caption = "Which of the following is NOT a requirement of the axiom system of Boolean algebra (according to Huntington)?"
/ options = ("~nexistence of neutral elements~n",
            "~nexistence of complements~n",
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001b>
/ caption = "Which is NOT a basic system of Boolean algebra?"
/ options = ("~nAND, OR, NOT~n",
            "~nAND, NAND, NOR~n",
            "~nAND, OR~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001c>
/ caption = "Which of the following transformations is correct?"
/ options = ("~n¬(x1∧x2)=¬x1∨¬x2~n",
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001d>
/ caption = "What is the dual theorem to a∨0=a?"
/ options = ("~na ∧1=a~n",
            "~na ∨1=1~n",
            "~na ∨a=a~n",
            "~na ∨ ¬a=0~n")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001e>
/ caption = "What is the disjunctive minimal form of (a∧b∧¬c)∨(a∧¬b∧c)∨(b∧c)∨(¬a∧b)?"
/ options = ("~n(a∧b∧¬c)∨(a∧¬b∧c)∨(b∧c)∨(¬a∧b)~n",
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_itiv_001a; 2=p_ETIT_itiv_001b; 3=p_ETIT_itiv_001c; 4=p_ETIT_itiv_001d; 5=p_ETIT_itiv_001e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002a>
/ caption = "Under what name is the unary Boolean function f(x)=1 known?"
/ options = ("~nDisjunction~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002b>
/ caption = "How many fields does a KV diagram to minimise a function with n=5 consist of?"
/ options = ("~n2⋅5=10~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002c>
/ caption = "How many different Boolean functions with n=3 inputs are there?"
/ options = ("~n2^3=8~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1","4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002d>
/ caption = "How many prime implicants are required to cover f(x1,x2)=0 in a KV diagram?"
/ options = ("~nno prime implicants~n",
            "~none prime implicant~n",
            "~ntwo prime implicants~n",
            "~n2²=4 prime implicants~n")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002e>
/ caption = "Which of the following transformations is correct?"
/ options = ("~n¬(x1∧x2)=¬x1∧¬x2~n",
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002f>
/ caption = "By means of which logical operations can any Boolean function be expressed?"
/ options = ("~nBy a combination of logical NOT operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical AND and logical OR operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical AND and logical NOT operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical OR operations on the variables.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002g>
/ caption = "What is the consequence if the “don't-care” terms of an incompletely specified Boolean function are replaced by logical zeros before logic minimisation with the KV diagram?"
/ options = ("~nSuch a modification has no influence on the result under any circumstances. ~n",
            "~nInput combinations that should result in a 1-output may erroneously result in a 0-output after logic minimisation.~n",
            "~nInput combinations that should result in a 0-output may erroneously result in a 1-output after logic minimisation.~n",
            "~nThe derived result is functionally correct, but may be suboptimal.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002f>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002f]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002g>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002g]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]
# total testlet

<survey ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_itiv_002a; 2=p_ETIT_itiv_002b; 3=p_ETIT_itiv_002c; 4=p_ETIT_itiv_002d; 5=p_ETIT_itiv_002e;
6=p_ETIT_itiv_002f; 7=p_ETIT_itiv_002g]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white


/ sum_items_total = values.sum_items_total_correct + values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_etch = values.sum_items_etch_correct + values.sum_items_etch_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_scht = values.sum_items_scht_correct + values.sum_items_scht_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_syst = values.sum_items_syst_correct + values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_itiv = values.sum_items_itiv_correct + values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect

<page feedback>
^^ In total, you have completed <%expressions.sum_items_total%> items. Thereof you have answered <%values.sum_items_total_correct%> items correctly.
^ Systems theory:             <%values.sum_items_syst_correct%> out of <%expressions.sum_items_syst%> items solved correctly
^ Information Technology:         <%values.sum_items_itiv_correct%> out of <%expressions.sum_items_itiv%> items solved correctly
^^ Thank you for your participation.


<expt all>
/ preinstructions = (Instru_en)
/ blocks = [1-4 = noreplacenorepeat(
/ postinstructions = (feedback)
/ showmousecursor = true
/ timeout = 5400000

Define /inputdevice = mouse in <instruct>
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Dave - 3/25/2021
nash - 3/25/2021
Hi everybody,
I've got a rather simple problem, but can't seem to handle it.
I have an experiment with a htmlpage for preinstructions and a page for postinstructions. My problem is that I can't click on the "continue" button in the preinstructions and I can't see a mouse cursor on the postinstructions so I can't click on the continue button there either.
In addition the postinstructions (the feedback page) is only shown for a few milliseconds and disappears then.

With inquisit 5 I remember it working like that. Do I have to specify somewhere more details for the pages? How can I make it work?

I would be very glad if somebody could help me out!

******(G) Definition of general parameters******

/ columns = [date time subject trialnum trialcode latency response correct]
/ labels = TRUE
/ format = TAB
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/ inputdevice = mouse

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%)
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"

<text timertext>
/ position = (95%,94%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)
/ items = ("Remaining Time:")

<clock timer>
/ mode = timer
/ format = "hh:mm:ss"
/ timeout = 5400000
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/ resetrate = experiment
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/ txbgcolor = white
/ txcolor = black


* *basic instruction pages*

<htmlpage Instru_en>
/ file = "Instru_en.base64.html"

Values for feedback

/ sum_items_total = 0
/ sum_items_total_correct = 0
/ sum_items_total_NOTcorrect = 0

/ sum_items_syst = 0
/ sum_items_syst_correct = 0
/ sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect = 0

/ sum_items_itiv = 0
/ sum_items_itiv_correct = 0
/ sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect = 0

# TESTLET ETIT_syst_001_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001a>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001a.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (30%,30%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001a>
/ caption="An input signal x(t) is applied to a system. Which of the presented statements about the output signal y(t) is correct?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001b>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001b.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (27%,27%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001b>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is correct for causal systems?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001c>
/ caption="The impulse response of a system is g(t)=0.5*δ(t-t0) with the Dirac impulse δ(t) and t0>0. Which of the following statements about the output signal y(t) of the system is correct?"
/ options = ("~nIt holds: y(t)=0.5*x(t+t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=0.5*x(t-t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=2*x(t+t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=2*x(t-t0)~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001d>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001d.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (28%,28%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001d>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is correct about the condition a stable LTI system must meet?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<image pic_ETIT_syst_001e1>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001e1.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (22%,22%)

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001e2>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001e2.PNG")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ imagesize = (22%,22%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001e>
/ caption = "Which of the presented figures corresponds to the output signal that can be observed?"
/ options = ("~nFigure 1~n",
            "~nFigure 2~n",
            "~nFigure 3~n",
            "~nFigure 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,60%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001a; 1=ETIT_syst_001a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_001b; 1=ETIT_syst_001b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_syst_001c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_001d; 1=ETIT_syst_001d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001e1; 1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001e2; 1=ETIT_syst_001e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_syst_001_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_syst_001a; 2=p_ETIT_syst_001b; 3=p_ETIT_syst_001c; 4=p_ETIT_syst_001d; 5=p_ETIT_syst_001e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_syst_002_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002a>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002a.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (25%,25%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002a>
/ caption="Which of the presented formulas is used to compute the Fourier transform X(f) of a signal x(t)?"
/ options = ("~nFormula 1~n",
            "~nFormula 2~n",
            "~nFormula 3~n",
            "~nFormula 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002b>
/ caption="Which of the following statements is correct?"
/ options = ("~nThe Fourier transform is a nonlinear transformation.~n",
            "~nThe Fourier transform is a linear transformation.~n",
            "~nFor harmonic signals, a Fourier transform cannot be computed.~n",
            "~nThe application of the Fourier transform to a signal causes loss of information.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002c>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002c.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (31%,31%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002c>
/ caption="Which of the formulas corresponds to the Fourier transform X(f) of the signal x(t)=sin(2πf0t) mit f0>0?"
/ options = ("~nFormula 1~n",
            "~nFormula 2~n",
            "~nFormula 3~n",
            "~nFormula 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002d>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002d.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (35%,35%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002d>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is true for the Fourier transform X(f) of x(t)?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<image pic_ETIT_syst_002e1>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002e1.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (31%,31%)

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002e2>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002e2.PNG")
/ position = (55%,26%)
/ imagesize = (33%,33%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002e>
/ options = ("~nFigure 1~n",
            "~nFigure 2~n",
            "~nFigure 3~n",
            "~nFigure 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,62%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002a; 1=ETIT_syst_002a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_syst_002b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_002c; 1=ETIT_syst_002c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_002d; 1=ETIT_syst_002d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002e1; 1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002e2; 1=ETIT_syst_002e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_syst_002_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_syst_002a; 2=p_ETIT_syst_002b; 3=p_ETIT_syst_002c; 4=p_ETIT_syst_002d; 5=p_ETIT_syst_002e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001a>
/ caption = "Which of the following is NOT a requirement of the axiom system of Boolean algebra (according to Huntington)?"
/ options = ("~nexistence of neutral elements~n",
            "~nexistence of complements~n",
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001b>
/ caption = "Which is NOT a basic system of Boolean algebra?"
/ options = ("~nAND, OR, NOT~n",
            "~nAND, NAND, NOR~n",
            "~nAND, OR~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001c>
/ caption = "Which of the following transformations is correct?"
/ options = ("~n¬(x1∧x2)=¬x1∨¬x2~n",
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001d>
/ caption = "What is the dual theorem to a∨0=a?"
/ options = ("~na ∧1=a~n",
            "~na ∨1=1~n",
            "~na ∨a=a~n",
            "~na ∨ ¬a=0~n")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001e>
/ caption = "What is the disjunctive minimal form of (a∧b∧¬c)∨(a∧¬b∧c)∨(b∧c)∨(¬a∧b)?"
/ options = ("~n(a∧b∧¬c)∨(a∧¬b∧c)∨(b∧c)∨(¬a∧b)~n",
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_itiv_001a; 2=p_ETIT_itiv_001b; 3=p_ETIT_itiv_001c; 4=p_ETIT_itiv_001d; 5=p_ETIT_itiv_001e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002a>
/ caption = "Under what name is the unary Boolean function f(x)=1 known?"
/ options = ("~nDisjunction~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002b>
/ caption = "How many fields does a KV diagram to minimise a function with n=5 consist of?"
/ options = ("~n2⋅5=10~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002c>
/ caption = "How many different Boolean functions with n=3 inputs are there?"
/ options = ("~n2^3=8~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1","4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002d>
/ caption = "How many prime implicants are required to cover f(x1,x2)=0 in a KV diagram?"
/ options = ("~nno prime implicants~n",
            "~none prime implicant~n",
            "~ntwo prime implicants~n",
            "~n2²=4 prime implicants~n")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002e>
/ caption = "Which of the following transformations is correct?"
/ options = ("~n¬(x1∧x2)=¬x1∧¬x2~n",
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002f>
/ caption = "By means of which logical operations can any Boolean function be expressed?"
/ options = ("~nBy a combination of logical NOT operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical AND and logical OR operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical AND and logical NOT operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical OR operations on the variables.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002g>
/ caption = "What is the consequence if the “don't-care” terms of an incompletely specified Boolean function are replaced by logical zeros before logic minimisation with the KV diagram?"
/ options = ("~nSuch a modification has no influence on the result under any circumstances. ~n",
            "~nInput combinations that should result in a 1-output may erroneously result in a 0-output after logic minimisation.~n",
            "~nInput combinations that should result in a 0-output may erroneously result in a 1-output after logic minimisation.~n",
            "~nThe derived result is functionally correct, but may be suboptimal.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002f>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002f]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002g>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002g]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]
# total testlet

<survey ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_itiv_002a; 2=p_ETIT_itiv_002b; 3=p_ETIT_itiv_002c; 4=p_ETIT_itiv_002d; 5=p_ETIT_itiv_002e;
6=p_ETIT_itiv_002f; 7=p_ETIT_itiv_002g]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white


/ sum_items_total = values.sum_items_total_correct + values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_etch = values.sum_items_etch_correct + values.sum_items_etch_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_scht = values.sum_items_scht_correct + values.sum_items_scht_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_syst = values.sum_items_syst_correct + values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_itiv = values.sum_items_itiv_correct + values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect

<page feedback>
^^ In total, you have completed <%expressions.sum_items_total%> items. Thereof you have answered <%values.sum_items_total_correct%> items correctly.
^ Systems theory:             <%values.sum_items_syst_correct%> out of <%expressions.sum_items_syst%> items solved correctly
^ Information Technology:         <%values.sum_items_itiv_correct%> out of <%expressions.sum_items_itiv%> items solved correctly
^^ Thank you for your participation.


<expt all>
/ preinstructions = (Instru_en)
/ blocks = [1-4 = noreplacenorepeat(
/ postinstructions = (feedback)
/ showmousecursor = true
/ timeout = 5400000

Define /inputdevice = mouse in <instruct>

Also, the feeback page will only flash briefly if your block has hit its /timeout. Instruction pages are not excepted from /timeout. Move it to another block if need be

Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 14, Visits: 26
Dave - 3/25/2021
Dave - 3/25/2021
nash - 3/25/2021
Hi everybody,
I've got a rather simple problem, but can't seem to handle it.
I have an experiment with a htmlpage for preinstructions and a page for postinstructions. My problem is that I can't click on the "continue" button in the preinstructions and I can't see a mouse cursor on the postinstructions so I can't click on the continue button there either.
In addition the postinstructions (the feedback page) is only shown for a few milliseconds and disappears then.

With inquisit 5 I remember it working like that. Do I have to specify somewhere more details for the pages? How can I make it work?

I would be very glad if somebody could help me out!

******(G) Definition of general parameters******

/ columns = [date time subject trialnum trialcode latency response correct]
/ labels = TRUE
/ format = TAB
/ separatefiles = false

/ screencolor = (255,255,255)
/ canvasaspectratio = (2650, 1650)
/ canvasposition = (50%, 50%)
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ inputdevice = mouse

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%)
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"

<text timertext>
/ position = (95%,94%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)
/ items = ("Remaining Time:")

<clock timer>
/ mode = timer
/ format = "hh:mm:ss"
/ timeout = 5400000
/ position = (96%,96%)
/ resetrate = experiment
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)
/ txbgcolor = white
/ txcolor = black


* *basic instruction pages*

<htmlpage Instru_en>
/ file = "Instru_en.base64.html"

Values for feedback

/ sum_items_total = 0
/ sum_items_total_correct = 0
/ sum_items_total_NOTcorrect = 0

/ sum_items_syst = 0
/ sum_items_syst_correct = 0
/ sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect = 0

/ sum_items_itiv = 0
/ sum_items_itiv_correct = 0
/ sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect = 0

# TESTLET ETIT_syst_001_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001a>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001a.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (30%,30%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001a>
/ caption="An input signal x(t) is applied to a system. Which of the presented statements about the output signal y(t) is correct?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001b>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001b.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (27%,27%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001b>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is correct for causal systems?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001c>
/ caption="The impulse response of a system is g(t)=0.5*δ(t-t0) with the Dirac impulse δ(t) and t0>0. Which of the following statements about the output signal y(t) of the system is correct?"
/ options = ("~nIt holds: y(t)=0.5*x(t+t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=0.5*x(t-t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=2*x(t+t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=2*x(t-t0)~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001d>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001d.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (28%,28%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001d>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is correct about the condition a stable LTI system must meet?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<image pic_ETIT_syst_001e1>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001e1.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (22%,22%)

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001e2>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001e2.PNG")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ imagesize = (22%,22%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001e>
/ caption = "Which of the presented figures corresponds to the output signal that can be observed?"
/ options = ("~nFigure 1~n",
            "~nFigure 2~n",
            "~nFigure 3~n",
            "~nFigure 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,60%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001a; 1=ETIT_syst_001a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_001b; 1=ETIT_syst_001b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_syst_001c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_001d; 1=ETIT_syst_001d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001e1; 1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001e2; 1=ETIT_syst_001e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_syst_001_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_syst_001a; 2=p_ETIT_syst_001b; 3=p_ETIT_syst_001c; 4=p_ETIT_syst_001d; 5=p_ETIT_syst_001e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_syst_002_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002a>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002a.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (25%,25%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002a>
/ caption="Which of the presented formulas is used to compute the Fourier transform X(f) of a signal x(t)?"
/ options = ("~nFormula 1~n",
            "~nFormula 2~n",
            "~nFormula 3~n",
            "~nFormula 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002b>
/ caption="Which of the following statements is correct?"
/ options = ("~nThe Fourier transform is a nonlinear transformation.~n",
            "~nThe Fourier transform is a linear transformation.~n",
            "~nFor harmonic signals, a Fourier transform cannot be computed.~n",
            "~nThe application of the Fourier transform to a signal causes loss of information.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002c>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002c.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (31%,31%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002c>
/ caption="Which of the formulas corresponds to the Fourier transform X(f) of the signal x(t)=sin(2πf0t) mit f0>0?"
/ options = ("~nFormula 1~n",
            "~nFormula 2~n",
            "~nFormula 3~n",
            "~nFormula 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002d>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002d.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (35%,35%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002d>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is true for the Fourier transform X(f) of x(t)?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<image pic_ETIT_syst_002e1>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002e1.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (31%,31%)

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002e2>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002e2.PNG")
/ position = (55%,26%)
/ imagesize = (33%,33%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002e>
/ options = ("~nFigure 1~n",
            "~nFigure 2~n",
            "~nFigure 3~n",
            "~nFigure 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,62%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002a; 1=ETIT_syst_002a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_syst_002b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_002c; 1=ETIT_syst_002c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_002d; 1=ETIT_syst_002d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002e1; 1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002e2; 1=ETIT_syst_002e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_syst_002_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_syst_002a; 2=p_ETIT_syst_002b; 3=p_ETIT_syst_002c; 4=p_ETIT_syst_002d; 5=p_ETIT_syst_002e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001a>
/ caption = "Which of the following is NOT a requirement of the axiom system of Boolean algebra (according to Huntington)?"
/ options = ("~nexistence of neutral elements~n",
            "~nexistence of complements~n",
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001b>
/ caption = "Which is NOT a basic system of Boolean algebra?"
/ options = ("~nAND, OR, NOT~n",
            "~nAND, NAND, NOR~n",
            "~nAND, OR~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001c>
/ caption = "Which of the following transformations is correct?"
/ options = ("~n¬(x1∧x2)=¬x1∨¬x2~n",
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001d>
/ caption = "What is the dual theorem to a∨0=a?"
/ options = ("~na ∧1=a~n",
            "~na ∨1=1~n",
            "~na ∨a=a~n",
            "~na ∨ ¬a=0~n")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001e>
/ caption = "What is the disjunctive minimal form of (a∧b∧¬c)∨(a∧¬b∧c)∨(b∧c)∨(¬a∧b)?"
/ options = ("~n(a∧b∧¬c)∨(a∧¬b∧c)∨(b∧c)∨(¬a∧b)~n",
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_itiv_001a; 2=p_ETIT_itiv_001b; 3=p_ETIT_itiv_001c; 4=p_ETIT_itiv_001d; 5=p_ETIT_itiv_001e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002a>
/ caption = "Under what name is the unary Boolean function f(x)=1 known?"
/ options = ("~nDisjunction~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002b>
/ caption = "How many fields does a KV diagram to minimise a function with n=5 consist of?"
/ options = ("~n2⋅5=10~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002c>
/ caption = "How many different Boolean functions with n=3 inputs are there?"
/ options = ("~n2^3=8~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1","4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002d>
/ caption = "How many prime implicants are required to cover f(x1,x2)=0 in a KV diagram?"
/ options = ("~nno prime implicants~n",
            "~none prime implicant~n",
            "~ntwo prime implicants~n",
            "~n2²=4 prime implicants~n")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002e>
/ caption = "Which of the following transformations is correct?"
/ options = ("~n¬(x1∧x2)=¬x1∧¬x2~n",
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002f>
/ caption = "By means of which logical operations can any Boolean function be expressed?"
/ options = ("~nBy a combination of logical NOT operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical AND and logical OR operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical AND and logical NOT operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical OR operations on the variables.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002g>
/ caption = "What is the consequence if the “don't-care” terms of an incompletely specified Boolean function are replaced by logical zeros before logic minimisation with the KV diagram?"
/ options = ("~nSuch a modification has no influence on the result under any circumstances. ~n",
            "~nInput combinations that should result in a 1-output may erroneously result in a 0-output after logic minimisation.~n",
            "~nInput combinations that should result in a 0-output may erroneously result in a 1-output after logic minimisation.~n",
            "~nThe derived result is functionally correct, but may be suboptimal.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002f>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002f]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002g>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002g]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]
# total testlet

<survey ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_itiv_002a; 2=p_ETIT_itiv_002b; 3=p_ETIT_itiv_002c; 4=p_ETIT_itiv_002d; 5=p_ETIT_itiv_002e;
6=p_ETIT_itiv_002f; 7=p_ETIT_itiv_002g]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white


/ sum_items_total = values.sum_items_total_correct + values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_etch = values.sum_items_etch_correct + values.sum_items_etch_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_scht = values.sum_items_scht_correct + values.sum_items_scht_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_syst = values.sum_items_syst_correct + values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_itiv = values.sum_items_itiv_correct + values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect

<page feedback>
^^ In total, you have completed <%expressions.sum_items_total%> items. Thereof you have answered <%values.sum_items_total_correct%> items correctly.
^ Systems theory:             <%values.sum_items_syst_correct%> out of <%expressions.sum_items_syst%> items solved correctly
^ Information Technology:         <%values.sum_items_itiv_correct%> out of <%expressions.sum_items_itiv%> items solved correctly
^^ Thank you for your participation.


<expt all>
/ preinstructions = (Instru_en)
/ blocks = [1-4 = noreplacenorepeat(
/ postinstructions = (feedback)
/ showmousecursor = true
/ timeout = 5400000

Define /inputdevice = mouse in <instruct>

Also, the feeback page will only flash briefly if your block has hit its /timeout. Instruction pages are not excepted from /timeout. Move it to another block if need be

The timeout is set for 90 min, I had 80 minutes left when I came across the feedback page. Do you maybe know another reason why it could only flash briefly?
Thank you!

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
nash - 3/25/2021
Dave - 3/25/2021
Dave - 3/25/2021
nash - 3/25/2021
Hi everybody,
I've got a rather simple problem, but can't seem to handle it.
I have an experiment with a htmlpage for preinstructions and a page for postinstructions. My problem is that I can't click on the "continue" button in the preinstructions and I can't see a mouse cursor on the postinstructions so I can't click on the continue button there either.
In addition the postinstructions (the feedback page) is only shown for a few milliseconds and disappears then.

With inquisit 5 I remember it working like that. Do I have to specify somewhere more details for the pages? How can I make it work?

I would be very glad if somebody could help me out!

******(G) Definition of general parameters******

/ columns = [date time subject trialnum trialcode latency response correct]
/ labels = TRUE
/ format = TAB
/ separatefiles = false

/ screencolor = (255,255,255)
/ canvasaspectratio = (2650, 1650)
/ canvasposition = (50%, 50%)
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ inputdevice = mouse

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%)
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"

<text timertext>
/ position = (95%,94%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)
/ items = ("Remaining Time:")

<clock timer>
/ mode = timer
/ format = "hh:mm:ss"
/ timeout = 5400000
/ position = (96%,96%)
/ resetrate = experiment
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)
/ txbgcolor = white
/ txcolor = black


* *basic instruction pages*

<htmlpage Instru_en>
/ file = "Instru_en.base64.html"

Values for feedback

/ sum_items_total = 0
/ sum_items_total_correct = 0
/ sum_items_total_NOTcorrect = 0

/ sum_items_syst = 0
/ sum_items_syst_correct = 0
/ sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect = 0

/ sum_items_itiv = 0
/ sum_items_itiv_correct = 0
/ sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect = 0

# TESTLET ETIT_syst_001_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001a>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001a.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (30%,30%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001a>
/ caption="An input signal x(t) is applied to a system. Which of the presented statements about the output signal y(t) is correct?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001b>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001b.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (27%,27%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001b>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is correct for causal systems?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001c>
/ caption="The impulse response of a system is g(t)=0.5*δ(t-t0) with the Dirac impulse δ(t) and t0>0. Which of the following statements about the output signal y(t) of the system is correct?"
/ options = ("~nIt holds: y(t)=0.5*x(t+t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=0.5*x(t-t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=2*x(t+t0)~n",
            "~nIt holds: y(t)=2*x(t-t0)~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001d>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001d.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (28%,28%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001d>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is correct about the condition a stable LTI system must meet?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<image pic_ETIT_syst_001e1>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001e1.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (22%,22%)

<image pic_ETIT_syst_001e2>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_001e2.PNG")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ imagesize = (22%,22%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_001e>
/ caption = "Which of the presented figures corresponds to the output signal that can be observed?"
/ options = ("~nFigure 1~n",
            "~nFigure 2~n",
            "~nFigure 3~n",
            "~nFigure 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,60%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001a; 1=ETIT_syst_001a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_001b; 1=ETIT_syst_001b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_syst_001c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_001d; 1=ETIT_syst_001d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_001e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_001e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001e1; 1 = pic_ETIT_syst_001e2; 1=ETIT_syst_001e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_syst_001_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_syst_001a; 2=p_ETIT_syst_001b; 3=p_ETIT_syst_001c; 4=p_ETIT_syst_001d; 5=p_ETIT_syst_001e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_syst_002_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002a>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002a.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (25%,25%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002a>
/ caption="Which of the presented formulas is used to compute the Fourier transform X(f) of a signal x(t)?"
/ options = ("~nFormula 1~n",
            "~nFormula 2~n",
            "~nFormula 3~n",
            "~nFormula 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002b>
/ caption="Which of the following statements is correct?"
/ options = ("~nThe Fourier transform is a nonlinear transformation.~n",
            "~nThe Fourier transform is a linear transformation.~n",
            "~nFor harmonic signals, a Fourier transform cannot be computed.~n",
            "~nThe application of the Fourier transform to a signal causes loss of information.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002c>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002c.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (31%,31%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002c>
/ caption="Which of the formulas corresponds to the Fourier transform X(f) of the signal x(t)=sin(2πf0t) mit f0>0?"
/ options = ("~nFormula 1~n",
            "~nFormula 2~n",
            "~nFormula 3~n",
            "~nFormula 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,35%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002d>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002d.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (35%,35%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002d>
/ caption="Which of the presented statements is true for the Fourier transform X(f) of x(t)?"
/ options = ("~nStatement 1~n",
            "~nStatement 2~n",
            "~nStatement 3~n",
            "~nStatement 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,40%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence


<image pic_ETIT_syst_002e1>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002e1.PNG")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ imagesize = (31%,31%)

<image pic_ETIT_syst_002e2>
/ items = ("pic_ETIT_syst_002e2.PNG")
/ position = (55%,26%)
/ imagesize = (33%,33%)

<radiobuttons ETIT_syst_002e>
/ options = ("~nFigure 1~n",
            "~nFigure 2~n",
            "~nFigure 3~n",
            "~nFigure 4~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,62%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = sequence

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002a; 1=ETIT_syst_002a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_syst_002b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_002c; 1=ETIT_syst_002c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=pic_ETIT_syst_002d; 1=ETIT_syst_002d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_syst_002e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_syst_002e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002e1; 1 = pic_ETIT_syst_002e2; 1=ETIT_syst_002e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_syst_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_syst_002_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_syst_002a; 2=p_ETIT_syst_002b; 3=p_ETIT_syst_002c; 4=p_ETIT_syst_002d; 5=p_ETIT_syst_002e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001a>
/ caption = "Which of the following is NOT a requirement of the axiom system of Boolean algebra (according to Huntington)?"
/ options = ("~nexistence of neutral elements~n",
            "~nexistence of complements~n",
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001b>
/ caption = "Which is NOT a basic system of Boolean algebra?"
/ options = ("~nAND, OR, NOT~n",
            "~nAND, NAND, NOR~n",
            "~nAND, OR~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001c>
/ caption = "Which of the following transformations is correct?"
/ options = ("~n¬(x1∧x2)=¬x1∨¬x2~n",
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001d>
/ caption = "What is the dual theorem to a∨0=a?"
/ options = ("~na ∧1=a~n",
            "~na ∨1=1~n",
            "~na ∨a=a~n",
            "~na ∨ ¬a=0~n")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_001e>
/ caption = "What is the disjunctive minimal form of (a∧b∧¬c)∨(a∧¬b∧c)∨(b∧c)∨(¬a∧b)?"
/ options = ("~n(a∧b∧¬c)∨(a∧¬b∧c)∨(b∧c)∨(¬a∧b)~n",
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_001e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_001e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_001e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

# total testlet

<survey ETIT_itiv_001_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_itiv_001a; 2=p_ETIT_itiv_001b; 3=p_ETIT_itiv_001c; 4=p_ETIT_itiv_001d; 5=p_ETIT_itiv_001e]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white

# TESTLET ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en

# Testletstamm

<html st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en>
/ items = ("Stamm_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en.base64.html")
/ position = (0%,50%)
/ showborders = false
/ showscrollbars = TRUE
/ size = (100%,100%)

# Items

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002a>
/ caption = "Under what name is the unary Boolean function f(x)=1 known?"
/ options = ("~nDisjunction~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002b>
/ caption = "How many fields does a KV diagram to minimise a function with n=5 consist of?"
/ options = ("~n2⋅5=10~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002c>
/ caption = "How many different Boolean functions with n=3 inputs are there?"
/ options = ("~n2^3=8~n",
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1","4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002d>
/ caption = "How many prime implicants are required to cover f(x1,x2)=0 in a KV diagram?"
/ options = ("~nno prime implicants~n",
            "~none prime implicant~n",
            "~ntwo prime implicants~n",
            "~n2²=4 prime implicants~n")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002e>
/ caption = "Which of the following transformations is correct?"
/ options = ("~n¬(x1∧x2)=¬x1∧¬x2~n",
/ optionvalues = ("2","1","3", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002f>
/ caption = "By means of which logical operations can any Boolean function be expressed?"
/ options = ("~nBy a combination of logical NOT operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical AND and logical OR operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical AND and logical NOT operations on the variables.~n",
            "~nBy a combination of logical OR operations on the variables.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("3","2","1", "4")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random


<radiobuttons ETIT_itiv_002g>
/ caption = "What is the consequence if the “don't-care” terms of an incompletely specified Boolean function are replaced by logical zeros before logic minimisation with the KV diagram?"
/ options = ("~nSuch a modification has no influence on the result under any circumstances. ~n",
            "~nInput combinations that should result in a 1-output may erroneously result in a 0-output after logic minimisation.~n",
            "~nInput combinations that should result in a 0-output may erroneously result in a 1-output after logic minimisation.~n",
            "~nThe derived result is functionally correct, but may be suboptimal.~n")
/ optionvalues = ("4","2","3", "1")
/ position = (55%,10%)
/ required = false
/ validresponse = ("1","2","3","4")
/ correctresponse = ("1")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%)
/ order = random

# surveypages

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002a>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002a.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002a]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002b>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002b.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002b]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002c>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002c.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002c]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002d>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002d.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002d]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002e>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002e.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002e]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002f>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002f.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002f]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]

<surveypage p_ETIT_itiv_002g>
/ ontrialend = [
if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "1") {
values.sum_items_total_correct += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_correct += 1;
    else if (radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "2" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "3" || radiobuttons.ETIT_itiv_002g.response == "4")
        values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect += 1;
        values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect += 1;
/ questions = [1=ETIT_itiv_002g]
/ stimulustimes = [1 = st_ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en; 1 = timer; 1 = timertext]
# total testlet

<survey ETIT_itiv_002_tex_en>
/ pages = [1=p_ETIT_itiv_002a; 2=p_ETIT_itiv_002b; 3=p_ETIT_itiv_002c; 4=p_ETIT_itiv_002d; 5=p_ETIT_itiv_002e;
6=p_ETIT_itiv_002f; 7=p_ETIT_itiv_002g]
/ showbackbutton=false
/ finishlabel = "Continue"
/ nextlabel = "Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (55%, 90%)
/ screencolor = white


/ sum_items_total = values.sum_items_total_correct + values.sum_items_total_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_etch = values.sum_items_etch_correct + values.sum_items_etch_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_scht = values.sum_items_scht_correct + values.sum_items_scht_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_syst = values.sum_items_syst_correct + values.sum_items_syst_NOTcorrect

/ sum_items_itiv = values.sum_items_itiv_correct + values.sum_items_itiv_NOTcorrect

<page feedback>
^^ In total, you have completed <%expressions.sum_items_total%> items. Thereof you have answered <%values.sum_items_total_correct%> items correctly.
^ Systems theory:             <%values.sum_items_syst_correct%> out of <%expressions.sum_items_syst%> items solved correctly
^ Information Technology:         <%values.sum_items_itiv_correct%> out of <%expressions.sum_items_itiv%> items solved correctly
^^ Thank you for your participation.


<expt all>
/ preinstructions = (Instru_en)
/ blocks = [1-4 = noreplacenorepeat(
/ postinstructions = (feedback)
/ showmousecursor = true
/ timeout = 5400000

Define /inputdevice = mouse in <instruct>

Also, the feeback page will only flash briefly if your block has hit its /timeout. Instruction pages are not excepted from /timeout. Move it to another block if need be

The timeout is set for 90 min, I had 80 minutes left when I came across the feedback page. Do you maybe know another reason why it could only flash briefly?
Thank you!

I don't see anything else, no.

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