Recording which BGSTIM plays

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 12, Visits: 54
I have a list of sound items, which have different numbers play amidst the sound. During my block, my background stimuli is set to play a random soundclip from the file. I need to know which sound clip is played, so that I can record whether the participant gets the right numer on our control question. Does anyone know how I can record this data? 
My code is as follows:

<item soundclips_with_numbers>
/ 1 = "1cat.m4a"
/ 2 = "1chalk.m4a"
/ 3 = "1scream.m4a"
/ 4 = "2cat.m4a"
/ 5 = "2chalk.m4a"
/ 6 = "2scream.m4a"
/ 7 = "3cat.m4a"
/ 8 = "3chalk.m4a"
/ 9 = "3scream.m4a"
.... and so on (they continue until 10) 

<sound soundclips_with_numbers>
/ items = soundclips_with_numbers
/ select = replace
/ volume = 0
/ erase = false

<block waldo_with_numbers>
/ onblockbegin = [
    values.attempts_left = 3;
    values.circle_x = -10%;
    values.circle_y = -10%;
/ timeout = 7000
/ trials = [
/ bgstim = (sound.soundclips_with_numbers)


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maya_mcg - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
maya_mcg - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
                         Great that worked perfectly. Thanks!
maya_mcg - 4 Years Ago

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