+x maikeH - 4/12/2021And also I'm having some troubles understanding the following part of the script. What does the "ph1", "ph2",...etc... stand for? Is it just the names for the items? I'm a bit confused because the seventh item isn't named "ph7" but "ps1"...?!****************************************************************************************************<list scaleitem>/ items = ("ph1", "ph2", "ph3", "ph4", "ph5", "ph6", "ps1")/ selectionmode = text.questions.currentindex </list>****************************************************************************************************
+x maikeH - 4/12/2021Hello everyone, I found this very helpful since I'm trying to do the same thing. So thanks a lot! I'm now trying to also add an instruction, that is supposed to be displayed on each page, so kind of like a permanent headline. Could somebody help me out? Best regards!