Randomizing likert scales

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 14, Visits: 26
Hi everyone,
I have a script like the following. I definded 7 likert scale items. What I want to do is randomize those items in the questionnaire. Is there a possibility for that? I already tried doing it with:
<block SN>
/trials=[1-7=noreplacenorepeat(SN_ph1, SN_ph2, SN_ph3, SN_ph4, SN_ph5, SN_ph6,

but that didn't work, I guess because I specified them in a sequence beforehand.



***** TRIALS *****
<likert SN_ph1>
/ stimulusframes = [1=sequence(questions)]
/ anchors = [1="nie"; 2="selten"; 3="manchmal"; 4="oft"; 5="immer/täglich"]

/ position = (50,60)
/ anchorwidth = 200
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 15pt, false)
/ numpoints = 5

<likert SN_ph2>
/ stimulusframes = [1=sequence(questions)]
/ anchors = [1="nie"; 2="selten"; 3="manchmal"; 4="oft"; 5="immer/täglich"]

/ position = (50,60)
/ anchorwidth = 200
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 15pt, false)
/ numpoints = 5

<likert SN_ph3>
/ stimulusframes = [1=sequence(questions)]
/ anchors = [1="nie"; 2="selten"; 3="manchmal"; 4="oft"; 5="immer/täglich"]

/ position = (50,60)
/ anchorwidth = 200
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 15pt, false)
/ numpoints = 5

<likert SN_ph4>
/ stimulusframes = [1=sequence(questions)]
/ anchors = [1="nie"; 2="selten"; 3="manchmal"; 4="oft"; 5="immer/täglich"]

/ position = (50,60)
/ anchorwidth = 200
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 15pt, false)
/ numpoints = 5

<likert SN_ph5>
/ stimulusframes = [1=sequence(questions)]
/ anchors = [1="nie"; 2="selten"; 3="manchmal"; 4="oft"; 5="immer/täglich"]

/ position = (50,60)
/ anchorwidth = 200
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 15pt, false)
/ numpoints = 5

<likert SN_ph6>
/ stimulusframes = [1=sequence(questions)]
/ anchors = [1="nie"; 2="selten"; 3="manchmal"; 4="oft"; 5="immer/täglich"]

/ position = (50,60)
/ anchorwidth = 200
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 15pt, false)
/ numpoints = 5

<likert SN_ps1>
/ stimulusframes = [1=sequence(questions)]
/ anchors = [1="nie"; 2="selten"; 3="manchmal"; 4="oft"; 5="immer/täglich"]

/ position = (50,60)
/ anchorwidth = 200
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 15pt, false)
/ numpoints = 5

<text questions>
/ numitems = 7
/ items = questions
/ select = sequence
/ txbgcolor = (transparent)
/ font = ("Times New Roman", -25, 400, 0, 34)
/ position = (50,40)
/ halign = center

<item questions>
/1 = "1"
/2 = "2"
/3 = "3"
/4 = "4"
/5 = "5"
/6 = "6"
/7 = "7"

***** Survey and Experiment Definition *****

<block SN>
/trials=[1=SN_ph1, 2=SN_ph2, 3=SN_ph3, 4=SN_ph4,5= SN_ph5, 6=SN_ph6,


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nash - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
nash - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
nash - 4 Years Ago
                         What variables?
Dave - 4 Years Ago
                             Not variables, but item names. If I only define one likert scale, what...
nash - 4 Years Ago
                                 <block exampleblock> / trials = [1-7 = SN] </block>...
Dave - 4 Years Ago
maikeH - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
maikeH - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago

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