Adaptive n-back (no lures)

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Dave - 5/5/2021
Dave - 5/5/2021
nguirre - 5/5/2021
Dear experts,

I am trying to modify the adaptive n-back task (from Jaeggi et al 2010).
In this task, stimuli are selected from a list of items. The version that I am programming includes three conditions:
1-back, where correct response is to press a button if the current stimulus is the same than the previous one
2-back, where correct response is to press a button if the current stimulus is the same than the stimulus presented two positions before
3-back, where correct response is to press a button if the current stimulus is the same than the stimulus presented three positions before
In the original script the stimuli selection is made using the "replace" option. However, I need a version with no lures. It means that, for example, if the participant is performing the 3-back condition, 1-back and 2-back conditions cannot appear.
I am not familiarized with Inquisit programming options, and I wonder if I could somehow specify the following conditions for stimulus selection:

//Assuming that N is the n-back condition
// Declare the following variables:
values.n1 = 0;
values.n2 = 0;
values.n3 = 0;
// Conditions for stimulus selection
if ( values.N = 1) {
    do {
    values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);
    } while (values.currenttarget = values.n2 or values.currenttarget.n3)
else if ( values.N = 2) {
    do {
    values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);
    } while (values.currenttarget = values.n1 or values.currenttarget.n2)    
else if ( values.N = 3) {
    do {
    values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);
    } while (values.currenttarget = values.n1 or values.currenttarget.n2)
// Update the variables after each trial        
values.n1 = currenttarget;
values.n2 = values.n1;
values.n3 = values.n3

I hope you understand this issue.
Thank you very much!

Best regards,

You'll want the list set to selection with replacement, but use /not attributes to exclude the item numbers you do not want.

Concretely, the following changes to the code would be among those required:

<picture startshape>
/ items = shapes
/select = noreplace
/size = (40%, 40%)

// add variables to block selection of what would amount to a 1-back target during a 2-back block or 2-back block
// or what would amount to a 2-back target during a 3-back block
/ not1back = 0
/ not2back = 0

*list.notargetvalue selects any of the 8 numbers but the one selected for targetvalue
<list notargetvalue>
/items = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
/ not = (values.currenttarget)
/ not = (values.not1back)
/ not = (values.not2back)

/ selectionrate = always
/ replace = true

<trial nontarget>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    trial.nontarget.insertstimulustime(clearscreen, parameters.stimulusPresentationtime);
    if (values.N > 0){
        values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);    
    if (values.N == 1){
        // no additonal constraints during 1-back;
        // unclear whether you would consider what would amount to a 2-back target during a 1-back block a "lure"
        values.not1back = 0;
        values.not2back = 0;
    } else if (values.N == 2) {
        // block what would amount to a 1-back target during 2-back block;
        // unclear whether you would consider what would amount to a 3-back target during a 2-back block a "lure"
        values.not1back = list.items.item(values.N-1);
        values.not2back = 0;
    } else if (values.N == 3){
        // block what would amount to either a 1-back or a 2-back target during a 3-back block;
        values.not1back = list.items.item(values.N-1);
        values.not2back = list.items.item(values.N-2);
    } // the adaptive n-back has no maximum n-level, so you need to decide what to do if n gets greater than 3;
     else if (values.N > 3) {
        values.not1back = 0;
        values.not2back = 0;

/ stimulustimes = [0 = nontargetshape]
/validresponse = (noresponse, "A")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ correctresponse = (noresponse)
/ ontrialend = [    
    list.items.insertitem(picture.nontargetshape.currentitemnumber, 1);
    //summary variables:
    if (trial.nontarget.correct){
        values.responseCategory = "CorrReject";
        if (values.N == 0){
        } else if (values.N == 1){
        } else if (values.N == 2){
        } else if (values.N == 3){
        } else if (values.N == 4){
        } else if (values.N == 5){
        } else if (values.N == 6){
        };//if further values of N should be added, add the necessary code here
    } else {
        values.responseCategory = "Commission Error";
        if (values.N == 0){
        } else if (values.N == 1){
        } else if (values.N == 2){
        } else if (values.N == 3){
        } else if (values.N == 4){
        } else if (values.N == 5){
        } else if (values.N == 6){
        };//if further values of N should be added, add the necessary code here
/ trialduration = parameters.SOA

Thank you so much! That's exactly what I need

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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Dave - 5/5/2021
nguirre - 5/5/2021
Dear experts,

I am trying to modify the adaptive n-back task (from Jaeggi et al 2010).
In this task, stimuli are selected from a list of items. The version that I am programming includes three conditions:
1-back, where correct response is to press a button if the current stimulus is the same than the previous one
2-back, where correct response is to press a button if the current stimulus is the same than the stimulus presented two positions before
3-back, where correct response is to press a button if the current stimulus is the same than the stimulus presented three positions before
In the original script the stimuli selection is made using the "replace" option. However, I need a version with no lures. It means that, for example, if the participant is performing the 3-back condition, 1-back and 2-back conditions cannot appear.
I am not familiarized with Inquisit programming options, and I wonder if I could somehow specify the following conditions for stimulus selection:

//Assuming that N is the n-back condition
// Declare the following variables:
values.n1 = 0;
values.n2 = 0;
values.n3 = 0;
// Conditions for stimulus selection
if ( values.N = 1) {
    do {
    values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);
    } while (values.currenttarget = values.n2 or values.currenttarget.n3)
else if ( values.N = 2) {
    do {
    values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);
    } while (values.currenttarget = values.n1 or values.currenttarget.n2)    
else if ( values.N = 3) {
    do {
    values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);
    } while (values.currenttarget = values.n1 or values.currenttarget.n2)
// Update the variables after each trial        
values.n1 = currenttarget;
values.n2 = values.n1;
values.n3 = values.n3

I hope you understand this issue.
Thank you very much!

Best regards,

You'll want the list set to selection with replacement, but use /not attributes to exclude the item numbers you do not want.

Concretely, the following changes to the code would be among those required:

<picture startshape>
/ items = shapes
/select = noreplace
/size = (40%, 40%)

// add variables to block selection of what would amount to a 1-back target during a 2-back block or 3-back block
// and what would amount to a 2-back target during a 3-back block
/ not1back = 0
/ not2back = 0

*list.notargetvalue selects any of the 8 numbers but the one selected for targetvalue
<list notargetvalue>
/items = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
/ not = (values.currenttarget)
/ not = (values.not1back)
/ not = (values.not2back)

/ selectionrate = always
/ replace = true

<trial nontarget>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    trial.nontarget.insertstimulustime(clearscreen, parameters.stimulusPresentationtime);
    if (values.N > 0){
        values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);    
    if (values.N == 1){
        // no additonal constraints during 1-back;
        // unclear whether you would consider what would amount to a 2-back target during a 1-back block a "lure"
        values.not1back = 0;
        values.not2back = 0;
    } else if (values.N == 2) {
        // block what would amount to a 1-back target during 2-back block;
        // unclear whether you would consider what would amount to a 3-back target during a 2-back block a "lure"
        values.not1back = list.items.item(values.N-1);
        values.not2back = 0;
    } else if (values.N == 3){
        // block what would amount to either a 1-back or a 2-back target during a 3-back block;
        values.not1back = list.items.item(values.N-1);
        values.not2back = list.items.item(values.N-2);
    } // the adaptive n-back has no maximum n-level, so you need to decide what to do if n gets greater than 3;
     else if (values.N > 3) {
        values.not1back = 0;
        values.not2back = 0;

/ stimulustimes = [0 = nontargetshape]
/validresponse = (noresponse, "A")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ correctresponse = (noresponse)
/ ontrialend = [    
    list.items.insertitem(picture.nontargetshape.currentitemnumber, 1);
    //summary variables:
    if (trial.nontarget.correct){
        values.responseCategory = "CorrReject";
        if (values.N == 0){
        } else if (values.N == 1){
        } else if (values.N == 2){
        } else if (values.N == 3){
        } else if (values.N == 4){
        } else if (values.N == 5){
        } else if (values.N == 6){
        };//if further values of N should be added, add the necessary code here
    } else {
        values.responseCategory = "Commission Error";
        if (values.N == 0){
        } else if (values.N == 1){
        } else if (values.N == 2){
        } else if (values.N == 3){
        } else if (values.N == 4){
        } else if (values.N == 5){
        } else if (values.N == 6){
        };//if further values of N should be added, add the necessary code here
/ trialduration = parameters.SOA
Edited 4 Years Ago by Dave
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nguirre - 5/5/2021
Dear experts,

I am trying to modify the adaptive n-back task (from Jaeggi et al 2010).
In this task, stimuli are selected from a list of items. The version that I am programming includes three conditions:
1-back, where correct response is to press a button if the current stimulus is the same than the previous one
2-back, where correct response is to press a button if the current stimulus is the same than the stimulus presented two positions before
3-back, where correct response is to press a button if the current stimulus is the same than the stimulus presented three positions before
In the original script the stimuli selection is made using the "replace" option. However, I need a version with no lures. It means that, for example, if the participant is performing the 3-back condition, 1-back and 2-back conditions cannot appear.
I am not familiarized with Inquisit programming options, and I wonder if I could somehow specify the following conditions for stimulus selection:

//Assuming that N is the n-back condition
// Declare the following variables:
values.n1 = 0;
values.n2 = 0;
values.n3 = 0;
// Conditions for stimulus selection
if ( values.N = 1) {
    do {
    values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);
    } while (values.currenttarget = values.n2 or values.currenttarget.n3)
else if ( values.N = 2) {
    do {
    values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);
    } while (values.currenttarget = values.n1 or values.currenttarget.n2)    
else if ( values.N = 3) {
    do {
    values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);
    } while (values.currenttarget = values.n1 or values.currenttarget.n2)
// Update the variables after each trial        
values.n1 = currenttarget;
values.n2 = values.n1;
values.n3 = values.n3

I hope you understand this issue.
Thank you very much!

Best regards,

You'll want the list set to selection with replacement, but use /not attributes to exclude the item numbers you do not want.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 9
Dear experts,

I am trying to modify the adaptive n-back task (from Jaeggi et al 2010).
In this task, stimuli are selected from a list of items. The version that I am programming includes three conditions:
1-back, where correct response is to press a button if the current stimulus is the same than the previous one
2-back, where correct response is to press a button if the current stimulus is the same than the stimulus presented two positions before
3-back, where correct response is to press a button if the current stimulus is the same than the stimulus presented three positions before
In the original script the stimuli selection is made using the "replace" option. However, I need a version with no lures. It means that, for example, if the participant is performing the 3-back condition, 1-back and 2-back conditions cannot appear.
I am not familiarized with Inquisit programming options, and I wonder if I could somehow specify the following conditions for stimulus selection:

//Assuming that N is the n-back condition
// Declare the following variables:
values.n1 = 0;
values.n2 = 0;
values.n3 = 0;
// Conditions for stimulus selection
if ( values.N = 1) {
    do {
    values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);
    } while (values.currenttarget = values.n2 or values.currenttarget.n3)
else if ( values.N = 2) {
    do {
    values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);
    } while (values.currenttarget = values.n1 or values.currenttarget.n2)    
else if ( values.N = 3) {
    do {
    values.currenttarget = list.items.item(values.N);
    } while (values.currenttarget = values.n1 or values.currenttarget.n2)
// Update the variables after each trial        
values.n1 = currenttarget;
values.n2 = values.n1;
values.n3 = values.n3

I hope you understand this issue.
Thank you very much!

Best regards,


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