Attention Network Test & Cedrus Box (RB 844) Incorporation

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We are currently trying to incorporate a Cedrus Box (RB 844) with the Attention Network Test script provided by Inquisit 6.0. We had all of the dipswitches down on the Cedrus box and coded "/ inputdevice = xid" in the defaults section of the script, but the response box failed to work when we ran the test.

Next, we tried changing the dipswitches to make the Cedrus Box function as a keyboard. We got rid of the "/ inputdevice = xid" code in the default section of the script. We changed the response parameters to "3" and "4" to correspond with the bottom left and bottom right response options on the box. When we did this, we could use the response box during the test, but we still ran into some problems.

First, the script appears to accept the top left response option (which corresponds to "1") on our Cedrus Box despite the fact that we did not code for that. The box responds to a response of "3" or "4" with correct/incorrect information, but every time we respond with "1" the script marks the trial as correct. 
Second, the test displays the response times for each response after each trial. Unfortunately, when we use the Cedrus Box with the test, the response times appear inaccurate. On one trial, the response time says "400 msec" and on the next, the response time says "1100 msec" despite the fact that we purposefully respond right after the arrows show up. Furthermore, sometimes when we do not respond at all, the response time says something other than "1700 msec," the cutoff for each trial. 

We are worried that our Cedrus Box is not communicating with the script appropriately. Is there anything we can do to the box itself and/or the script to make our response options work and to make the response times more accurate?

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