Stroop Color Test Duration (keyboard)

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Hi there,

I was looking for a way to extend the duration of the Stroop test, but when I was looking through the script for it I was unable to find a parameter corresponding to it exactly - tried changing trialduration, but that didn't seem to do anything. As of now, the test lasts ~1min 15 seconds, would like it to be more along the lines of 10min if possible. Thank you!
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qjyap - 5/7/2021
Hi there,

I was looking for a way to extend the duration of the Stroop test, but when I was looking through the script for it I was unable to find a parameter corresponding to it exactly - tried changing trialduration, but that didn't seem to do anything. As of now, the test lasts ~1min 15 seconds, would like it to be more along the lines of 10min if possible. Thank you!

The keyboard Stroop is self-paced, the trials have no /trialduration, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. (it can't be the keyboard Stroop). If you were talking about the keyboard Stroop, the way to increase its duration would be to increase the amount of trials it runs according to your needs. See the /trials attribute in <block stroop>.


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