Group: Forum Members
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Hi all! When I present a surveypage containing 2 textboxes I need participants to be only allowed to introduce values that sum 5 in total (not higher nor lower, e.g. 2 and 3), if they introduce values different than 5 I would like them to see a text indicating the error so they can correct it. I have tried as follows:
<surveypage CoalitionOffer> / questions = [1=OfferBox1, OfferBox2] / stimulusframes = [1 = OfferPic, CoalitionOfferText, OfferBoxYou, OfferBoxPartner] / showbackbutton = false / showquestionnumbers = false / showpagenumbers = false / showmousecursor = true / finishlabel = "Click here to continue" / branch = [if (textbox.OfferBox1.response + textbox.OfferBox2.response != 5) text.erroroffer] / branch = [if (textbox.OfferBox1.response + textbox.OfferBox2.response == 5) likert.Liking1] </surveypage>
<text erroroffer> / items = ("please introduce the correct values") / color = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, true) / position = (50%,50%) / vjustify = center </text>
In this case, If they introduce “5 and 6” they are not allowed to continue but the error message is not displayed. And f they type “5 and 4” they move to the next page "likert.liking1".
Thank you in advance for your help!! Anabela