Online Experiment - Change Region for Data Collection and Storage inquisit web

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Hello everyone, 

I have already registered an Inquisit Online Experiment. When I did it I wasn't aware that I had to choose "Ireland, EU" as the Region for Data Collection. I now want to change the Region for Data Collection and Storage from Oregon US to Irland EU - but it seems like I can't do it retrospectively. Is there nothing I can do about it? Do I actually have to register a new experiment now once again? 

Thank you for your help! 

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maikeH - 5/27/2021
Hello everyone, 

I have already registered an Inquisit Online Experiment. When I did it I wasn't aware that I had to choose "Ireland, EU" as the Region for Data Collection. I now want to change the Region for Data Collection and Storage from Oregon US to Irland EU - but it seems like I can't do it retrospectively. Is there nothing I can do about it? Do I actually have to register a new experiment now once again? 

Thank you for your help! 

The region cannot be changed after the fact. You would have to deactivate / take down the existing experiment, and then register them anew as a new experiment, this time selecting the EU region. Note that this will result in a different launch URL.

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