Quitting the script at different values

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Dave - 5/27/2021
Djo - 5/27/2021
Dear all,
At the beginning of our experiment, I would like to request the postal code of our participants and only allow people who live in certain areas to participate in our experiment. For this purpose, I have created the following:
<textbox PLZ>
/ caption = "xxx postal code xxx."
/ required = true
/ mask = decimal

/PLZ_correct = 0

<surveypage s_einwilligung>
/ questions = [1 = Einwilligung; 2 = Alter; 3 = PLZ]
/ ontrialend = [if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || "20251" || "20249") values.PLZ_correct +=1
else values.PLZ_correct +=0]

<surveypage s_einwilligung2>
/ questions = [1 = Sehen; 2 = Erkrankung; 3= LRS]
/ branch = [if (values.PLZ_correct == 1) survey.X
     else surveypage.s_ende;]
Unfortunately, it does not work, and I can not find the error. For any help, I would be very grateful!
All the best,

This is not proper syntax:

if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || "20251" || "20249")

The correct way to state the above is

if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || textbox.PLZ.response == "20251" || textbox.PLZ.response == "20249")

Moreover, you cannot have a <surveypage> (which is a type of <trial>) /branch to a <survey> (which is a type of <block>).

<surveypage s_einwilligung2>
/ questions = [1 = Sehen; 2 = Erkrankung; 3= LRS]
/ branch = [if (values.PLZ_correct == 1) survey.X
  else surveypage.s_ende;]

A <trial> may only branch to another <trial>, it cannot branch to a <block>. Similarly, a <block> may only branch to another <block>, it cannot branch to a <trial>.

<textbox PLZ>
/ caption = "xxx postal code xxx."
/ required = true
/ mask = decimal

/PLZ_correct = 0

<survey mysurvey>
/ pages = [1=s_einwilligung]

<surveypage s_einwilligung>
/ questions = [1 = PLZ]
/ ontrialend = [if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || textbox.PLZ.response == "20251" || textbox.PLZ.response == "20249") values.PLZ_correct +=1
else values.PLZ_correct +=0]
/ branch = [
    if (values.PLZ_correct == 1) {
    } else {

<surveypage ok>
/ caption = "OK"
/ showbackbutton = false

<surveypage ende>
/ caption = "ENDE"
/ showbackbutton = false

Dear Dave,

Thank you very much for your quick help. Now it works quite nicely!

All the best,
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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Djo - 5/27/2021
Dear all,
At the beginning of our experiment, I would like to request the postal code of our participants and only allow people who live in certain areas to participate in our experiment. For this purpose, I have created the following:
<textbox PLZ>
/ caption = "xxx postal code xxx."
/ required = true
/ mask = decimal

/PLZ_correct = 0

<surveypage s_einwilligung>
/ questions = [1 = Einwilligung; 2 = Alter; 3 = PLZ]
/ ontrialend = [if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || "20251" || "20249") values.PLZ_correct +=1
else values.PLZ_correct +=0]

<surveypage s_einwilligung2>
/ questions = [1 = Sehen; 2 = Erkrankung; 3= LRS]
/ branch = [if (values.PLZ_correct == 1) survey.X
     else surveypage.s_ende;]
Unfortunately, it does not work, and I can not find the error. For any help, I would be very grateful!
All the best,

This is not proper syntax:

if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || "20251" || "20249")

The correct way to state the above is

if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || textbox.PLZ.response == "20251" || textbox.PLZ.response == "20249")

Moreover, you cannot have a <surveypage> (which is a type of <trial>) /branch to a <survey> (which is a type of <block>).

<surveypage s_einwilligung2>
/ questions = [1 = Sehen; 2 = Erkrankung; 3= LRS]
/ branch = [if (values.PLZ_correct == 1) survey.X
  else surveypage.s_ende;]

A <trial> may only branch to another <trial>, it cannot branch to a <block>. Similarly, a <block> may only branch to another <block>, it cannot branch to a <trial>.

<textbox PLZ>
/ caption = "xxx postal code xxx."
/ required = true
/ mask = decimal

/PLZ_correct = 0

<survey mysurvey>
/ pages = [1=s_einwilligung]

<surveypage s_einwilligung>
/ questions = [1 = PLZ]
/ ontrialend = [if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || textbox.PLZ.response == "20251" || textbox.PLZ.response == "20249") values.PLZ_correct +=1
else values.PLZ_correct +=0]
/ branch = [
    if (values.PLZ_correct == 1) {
    } else {

<surveypage ok>
/ caption = "OK"
/ showbackbutton = false

<surveypage ende>
/ caption = "ENDE"
/ showbackbutton = false

Associate Member (272 reputation)Associate Member (272 reputation)Associate Member (272 reputation)Associate Member (272 reputation)Associate Member (272 reputation)Associate Member (272 reputation)Associate Member (272 reputation)Associate Member (272 reputation)Associate Member (272 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 12, Visits: 66
Dear all,
At the beginning of our experiment, I would like to request the postal code of our participants and only allow people who live in certain areas to participate in our experiment. For this purpose, I have created the following:
<textbox PLZ>
/ caption = "xxx postal code xxx."
/ required = true
/ mask = decimal

/PLZ_correct = 0

<surveypage s_einwilligung>
/ questions = [1 = Einwilligung; 2 = Alter; 3 = PLZ]
/ ontrialend = [if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || "20251" || "20249") values.PLZ_correct +=1
else values.PLZ_correct +=0]

<surveypage s_einwilligung2>
/ questions = [1 = Sehen; 2 = Erkrankung; 3= LRS]
/ branch = [if (values.PLZ_correct == 1) survey.X
     else surveypage.s_ende;]
Unfortunately, it does not work, and I can not find the error. For any help, I would be very grateful!
All the best,


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